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How to make fake freckles without faux pas?

How to make fake freckles without faux pas? On some they are present all year round, on others they only appear on summer… For those who aren't lucky enough to have freckles naturally, here's how to get stunningly natural fake freckles.

Freckles are those little "ephelides" that appear on certain skins if there is a local overproduction of melanin. This substance responsible for tanning and which ensures the protection of the epidermis against exposure to the sun. They most often appear on fair skin that is not sufficiently "armed" to react uniformly to UV rays. These areas of stains are thus concentrated on the most exposed areas:the nose, forehead, chest or shoulders.

If some would like to get rid of it, many seek on the contrary to have it on an ad hoc basis, to enhance their complexion with a few brown shades. Way back from the beach, without the beach.

Several solutions are available to us, more or less risky and with a more or less natural and lasting result.

Fake freckles with makeup

For this, Margaux Jalouzot, National Make-Up Artist L'Oréal Paris recommends choosing the right pencil according to your skin color. "Take a taupe if you have fair skin, an almost black gray if you have dark skin. What works best is the eyebrow pencil because it has a very thin and dry lead, with a color that is often very natural, pearl-free."

The right gesture to make fake freckles in pencil? "Carve your lead perfectly and begin to mark the skin. Make dots of different sizes by exerting more or less strong pressure. Apply the pencil to several areas, such as the bridge of the nose, the top of the cheekbones and the top of the eyebrows for a very natural finish. And don't forget to powder to hold the makeup and soften the contrasts, by tapping the brush, not sweeping it."

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Faced with the explosion of #freckles requests on social networks, some brands have developed specific products, such as the Freck Please liner brush from Sheglam or the Fantastic Freckles marker from L’Atelier du Sourcil. Smart, the latter with a precise ball point deposits a thin layer of color which intensifies on contact with the pigments of the skin, for a very subtle finish.

From fake freckles to self-tanning

For a more lasting result, once the helping hand is taken and the application technique is well established, some try self-tanning. But be careful, meticulousness and patience are required, because you won't be able to erase them as easily as makeup!

After having applied a face self-tanner in the traditional way to the entire face, neck and décolleté, it is advisable to take a small drop of additional self-tanner with a very fine makeup brush to apply to the areas affected by the sun. . After a few hours, the fake freckles will appear on their own. Here again, you have to vary the shapes for a discreet rendering.

The right product? A concentrated self-tanner to mix into a day care product, such as Addition Concentré Éclat liquid self-tanner from Clarins or Tan Drops self-tanners from Hello Body.

Finally, for those who intensely regret not having real freckles, there are semi-permanent makeup techniques that can last several months or even years, depending on their skin type. It is then necessary to rely on a qualified dermography expert who will know how to handle his ink gun with precision and subtlety.

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