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A fashion magazine makes women pose with assumed curves

Going against the norm, which favors extreme thinness, V Magazine , a magazine specializing in fashion, publishes a series of photographs of models with generous curves. A fashion magazine makes women pose with assumed curves

It is common knowledge that fashion is intransigent towards people with too pronounced shapes. For several years now, the debate on the harsh working conditions of Top Models has been raging. Driven to anorexia and forced to keep a very light weight under penalty of being fired, the models of luxury brands embody an increasingly questioned feminine ideal.

But recently, some brands are trying to change the situation by using women who are not extremely thin for their advertising campaign. This was the case with Dove, and now it's the turn of V magazine. to publish a series of photos of models whose curves are displayed without cheating.

With no sleight of hand to hide their curves, these models dressed by the Dolce &Gabbana or Gucci brands may herald the change in trends and mentality of this new decade.