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Shampoo:we finally know how often to wash your hair

When they are long, we would like them to be short, when they are light, we would like them to be darker, when we straighten them, we would have preferred to curl them in the end... our hair this jungle in which we obviously like to get lost . The questions in burst, it is then necessary to bring firm and definitive answers. And that's what the site Well and Good has just done for us. by asking two experts how often should you shampoo your hair in a week? (An article spotted by our Version Femina colleagues whom we thank.)

"Shampoo once every seven to ten days"

So their answer is clear cut:it depends on the nature of the hair. Those naturally straight tend to become greasy more quickly than curly ones, recalled Kevin Mancuso, trichologist (trichology etymologically defining the branch of science that deals with the study of hair); Shirley Chi, dermatologist, to pick up on this and elaborate on how often you should shampoo your hair:"If you go out and don't exercise to the point of sweating, your hair will be stiff and wavy hair should be washed two to three times a week And to address people with very curly hair or afros, who can"be satisfied with a shampoo once every seven to ten days" .

Excessive washing will lead to sebum production

So therefore this conclusion:the nature of our hair determines the frequency of washing; which obviously also depends on other factors, pollution, dust, perspiration... So it's all a question of dosage:"Excessive washing will cause your scalp to produce sebum, while too little of washing will result in a build-up of grease says Kevin Mancuso. And to conclude his analysis with this advice:If you notice that your hair always gets dirty at the nape of the neck or at the back of your scalp, it is a sign that you are not washing it. correctly » . Now we know!

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