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7 ways to wash your hair less often

7 ways to wash your hair less often

It is better for your skin and hair not to wash it every day. In addition, washing hair is a time-consuming task. Two good reasons to wash your hair less often.

1. Skip washing your hair every now and then
If you want to wash your hair less often, there is really only one tip:skip it every now and then. In this way, your hair can slowly get used to fewer washes, so that your hair will eventually become greasy less quickly.

2. Kick off cold turkey
Stop washing your hair in one fell swoop. In the beginning it takes a while, but after about six weeks you will notice positive improvements, according to the experts.

3. Use dry shampoo
Does your hair look greasy? With dry shampoo you can often stretch the washing for another day.

4. Wear your hair down
In a tight ponytail or bun it is not noticeable that your hair is greasy.

5. Use accessories
Put on a hat or tie a scarf in your hair. With a little creativity no one will realize that your hair is greasy.

6. Be careful with styling products
Especially oil and serums make your hair greasy. Only apply these products in the dots.

7. Don't touch your hair too much
By touching your hair all the time, you spread the grease that starts at your hair through the rest of your hair. Try to leave your hair alone as much as possible.

Read also: Not washing my hair for a week, what did I learn from it?

Do you have a good tip to wash your hair less often?