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Mustache waxing:4 ways to wax your upper lips

Hair is everywhere! On all areas of the body, small hairs dress us. However, some bother us more than others. If your down above the upper lips is not suitable for you, you can tweeze it . This operation can be carried out at home or in an institute. However, for successful mustache hair removal, the method should not be chosen lightly! We take stock.

Mustache threading

Technique born in India, thread hair removal is used for the down of the face. It consists of pulling out the hair with a long thin thread. However, this method is not carried out at home, so you will have to go to an institute since the practice is not easy. This technique can be compared to waxing, since the thread pulls out the hair at the root and allows several to be removed at the same time.

Mustache waxing

Very quick solution, the wax helps to get rid of hair which invite themselves above the upper lips. However, if this practice is quick and can be done at home, it is not recommended for overly sensitive skin. In addition, do not use a wax that is too hot, at the risk of burning yourself. The cold wax can then be preferred, or an appointment at a salon for mustache hair removal by a professional.

The wax guarantees you three weeks of peace of mind. To perform waxing of the upper lips, apply it from the nose to the cheek, from top to bottom and gradually remove it in the opposite direction.

Mustache waxing with tweezers

For small touch-ups or removing a little down, the tweezers looks very handy! It allows you to remove one hair after another and therefore not to overflow the area above the lip. We perform the depilation with tweezers after the shower, when the skin is cleansed and warm, which facilitates removal. However, do not go deep into the small hairs that have not come out, you risk damaging your skin.

To tweeze your mustache with tweezers , opt for new pliers, small for more precision and curved for more efficiency.

Laser mustache hair removal

To permanently get rid of down, consider laser hair removal. However, to perform this operation, you must have fairly thick black hair and a fair complexion. Sessions are scheduled every six weeks (between 6 to 8 sessions).

Mustache discoloration

Instead of tweezing your mustache , you can opt for discoloration. Get a kit sold in drugstores or supermarkets. This practice can be irritating, it is better to do a test beforehand, especially if you have sensitive skin. If you are brunette, be careful, the bleaching cream can give an even more visible result, by making your down red.

Mustache waxing:things not to do

The area above the lip being very sensitive, you should not use a razor or depilatory cream. These stimulate growth and make the down thicker. In addition, the mustache area can be enlarged.