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BeBio:wash your hair without shampoo

BeBio:wash your hair without shampoo

Wash your hair without shampoo. Why would you do it and what would you use instead of shampoo? Liselotte and Willemijn from BeBio explain it in their blog this week.

Use shampoo
Some of us do it daily, others a few times a week. There are also more and more people who have completely stopped using it:washing hair with (chemical) shampoo. They mainly see disadvantages of washing your hair with chemical shampoo. In the long run, for example, it can be bad for your hair and scalp.

Chemical ingredients to avoid
There are mainly three ingredients that you want to avoid when you stop using chemical shampoo:

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is the first. Most shampoos contain this substance, it removes dirt from the hair and also foams a lot. This is quickly associated with clean(er) hair. This chemical stuff works a little too well. It also removes natural oils from your hair and thus dries out your hair. This makes your hair fragile! For some people that is a reason to avoid this ingredient.

Mineral oil
Then you have the second ingredient 'Mineral oil'. It is cheap and ensures that your hair retains enough moisture. This seems good at first, but it closes your hair with a layer that makes.

Then you have the third ingredient, which is 'Silicone'. This substance puts a layer around your hair, making your hair look better, healthier and shinier. Apparently this seems good, but on a deeper level it is bad for your hair. It makes your hair heavy and if you want to wash it out you have to use shampoo with sulphates (chemically!) which in turn leads to drier hair. So it's a vicious circle.

Natural alternatives
Fortunately, there are countless alternatives that you can use for healthy, natural and clean hair. There are more benefits to it. It is also better for the environment and you do not pollute the water with chemical hair products. It is also a lot friendlier for your budget because you no longer have to buy (expensive) shampoos.

Cold turkey
The real diehards can switch cold turkey and radically to 'water only'. But now we understand best if that is a bit too much of a good thing, and it is also not a fresh idea to clean your hair with only water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
A second option is to use apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar cleans your hair very well in a natural way and is, especially if you switch to natural remedies, a good remedy to rid your hair of all those chemicals, including silicones. The smell is easy to cover up by adding some essential oil. Lavender or vanilla for example.

Your hair can also be cleaned with clay. The health food stores almost all have some kind of clay in their range. Make the chunks or powder with some water, put the substance in your hair and let it absorb well. Massage your scalp well with it so that it also gets a good boost. Wash it out with lukewarm water (not hot water!) and voila, a clean scalp and locks. You will notice that you need this treatment less and less the longer you work 'all natural'.

Hold on
In the beginning your hair may feel a bit dry and rough, but hang in there! Your hair is getting rid of all the chemical junk it has become accustomed to. Once through the withdrawal period, you will be left with a stronger, naturally shiny and more healthy head of hair. A good natural moisturizer is coconut oil. It penetrates deep into the hair and preserves the natural moisture balance. If you don't want to get started with products from your kitchen cupboards, choose a natural shampoo.

How often do you shampoo your hair?

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BeBio:wash your hair without shampoo

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Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio blog every week on about a healthy and conscious lifestyle. They show how fun healthy living can be and that a conscious lifestyle is within reach for everyone.

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