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Women and baldness:an English photographer sublimates the beauty of bald heads

The Alopecia Project (or The Alopecia Project) is a series of photographs which presents men, women and children affected by this phenomenon which would concern approximately two million women in France and 2% of the total American population. This disease is often likened to chemotherapy patients, yet the majority of people suffering from alopecia are healthy people who have never had cancer. You should also know that only 5% of people with alopecia lose all their hair or hair.

But losing your hair does not have the same meaning for a man, a woman or a child, since in addition to losing hair, alopecia also causes the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. These parts of the body that play an important role in femininity can change the way a woman sees herself. Indeed, this disease does not only affect the body but also the self-esteem.

This is why Daniel Regan, after meeting a woman suffering from alopecia at a party, decided to meet other sufferers, discuss with them and then photograph them:

"For most of them, it was a first to be photographed without a wig and by a professional" he told the Huffington Post UK.

Now it's an Alopecia Uncovered book. (Alopecia uncovered) , which is on sale presenting the series of photos and also the people photographed.

The real message of this project is to affirm that the most important thing in being yourself is to be only the person you have chosen to be.

To view all Alopecia Project photos , go to Daniel Regan's website.