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3 tips to look good

Pop the (right) color!
Why? Black and very dense make-up tend to enclose the eye.
How? We choose colors that flatter the iris and light up the eyes:purple, midnight blue, taupe gray, old pink and golden brown. They are applied like a liner, by raising the outer tip in a comma style to keep the laughing side (falling line =Pierrot sad). With what ? The tool that hits the mark:the pearly finish pencil. On the lips, go for fruity shades and transparent textures (Rouge Longtemps Coral Chic, Clinique, €20.50).

Change your styling habits
Why? Change your mind, of course! It avoids the weariness linked to the gray mine.
How? We have the line on the right? We pass it to the left! Between ? We take him to the side. If we usually tie up our hair, we leave it free. We pull them back to lift the features, it brightens the complexion. We use a straightener to change the texture. And for short haircuts? We accessorize:well-placed barrettes (at Dessange or Glamor Paris for example), a rhinestone headband... it doesn't seem like much, but that

Lighten digestion
Why? The heavier the meal, the duller the complexion… Blame it on the liver, which struggles to work.
How? In the evening, we zap the chicken + the sausage as a starter, and we replace animal proteins with vegetable ones. The right mix:raw vegetables with olive oil + a dish mixing 1 portion of cereals (millet, brown rice, bulgur, couscous), 1 of legumes (lentils, chickpeas) and vegetables + 10 almonds (very high in protein). At other meals, we avoid the combination of starch/animal protein, which is difficult to assimilate. Bonus:easy digestion =(much) more energy. Also good are phytabilium vials (with extracts of dandelion, black radish, milk thistle, lemon), which help to cleanse the liver. Take 1 to 2 vials, on an empty stomach (at Les Nouveaux Robinson, €15). The problem:it's really not good...