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Tips that help you to shine

Nobody is perfect! We are all born with our flaws, crooked teeth, imperfect skin or a little extra weight around the middle. For some, it can be difficult to cope with the way they look. There are so many outside influences that we are bombarded with on a daily basis. But you have to remember that what we get to see has mostly changed and is not a true reflection of the one. With some tips and tricks you too can look your best.

1. Work with what you have.
Stop fighting the things you can't change. Everyone has some great stuff, so focus on what you like. When you accept who you are instead of fighting it, life becomes so much easier.

2. Dress to your shape.
Accentuate the good parts, hide the things you're not happy with. Find out which shapes and styles suit your figure.

3. Get a good haircut.
A good haircut works wonders. If necessary, go to a hairdresser who knows which hairstyles suit you best and which flatter your face shape.

4. Take care of your skin.
Good skin gives you that healthy glow that looks so attractive. If you have spots or pale, dull skin, switch to a good skincare routine as soon as possible.

5. Get plenty of exercise.
Okay, we can't all have the perfect body, but we can look fitter. That makes you healthier and more attractive inside and out.

6. Get plenty of fresh air.
Getting out into the non-urban environment for some clean, fresh air in your lungs will make you look and feel better. It relieves the stresses and strains of everyday life.

7. Eat well.
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as lean proteins and slow-burning carbohydrates will give you a healthy, balanced diet that will improve your body shape, skin and hair.

8. Drink plenty of water.
Staying well hydrated also improves your appearance, so make sure you drink plenty of water, and cut back on sugary drinks and alcohol.

9. Get enough sleep. If you manage to get enough sleep every night, you will wake up feeling refreshed and positive. Lack of sleep is seriously harmful to our health. Try to get the right amount of sleep.

10. Smile and laugh more.
People who look happy seem much more attractive than those who don't, so make sure you smile often.

11. Walk with confidence.
Feeling confident and radiating that makes you feel more beautiful. Keep your head up and don't be afraid to look people in the eye when you enter a room.

12. Be funny.
A great sense of humor and the ability to make people laugh is always one of the most important things people say they find attractive in someone else.

13. Be intelligent.
Intelligence is also highly valued as an attractive trait. Make sure you can have interesting conversations and know things about the world.

14. Be nice.
Kindness is also incredibly attractive. So make sure you are always nice to other people. If so, they're probably nice to you too!

15. Pay attention to your personal hygiene.
If you want to be more beautiful, paying attention to your personal hygiene is so important. No matter how beautiful someone is, if they have bad body odor or terrible breath, they just won't be found attractive.

16. Take care of your teeth.
Having a great smile is truly beautiful. If you take good care of your teeth, your smile will be beautiful.

17. Learn how to apply makeup.
Knowing how to properly put on your makeup makes all the difference. A good make-up accentuates your features and gives your skin a supple, radiant look.

18. Get a tan.
Baking in the sun for hours on end will damage your skin and cause wrinkles. A light, subtle tan makes you look healthier, making you look more beautiful. There are plenty of tans that give you a light glow.

19. Maintain good posture.
Stand up and sit up straight. Good posture implies confidence that is so attractive.

20. Don't take yourself too seriously.
If you look arrogant, smug, or think you're better than others, people won't find you attractive, no matter how beautiful you are.