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Effaclar Spotscan:the application that allows you to take stock of skin problems

Juvenile or adult acne, spots or blackheads, regardless of age, the skin faces many imperfections. Acne affects 3.3 million people over the age of 15. 80% of adolescents and 40% of adults say they are psychologically affected by these imperfections. Yet 1 in 3 people never go to see a dermatologist. It is therefore to help us become aware of our imperfections (are they really as important as we think?), and to help us get rid of them (or at least, to minimize them), that La Roche- Posay has designed, with the help of 4 dermatologists, the Effaclar Spotscan application. By taking 3 photos of oneself (one from the front, one from the right profile and one from the left profile) with clean skin, the application assigns a score out of 4. And for those who have a score greater than 2, a message indicates that t is advisable to consult a dermatologist. But the app doesn't just do that. She analyzes the type of imperfection (blackheads, pimples or marks of pigmentation) and locates them on the skin, to then be able to give a personalized routine, with products from the Effaclar range (but it is above all an indication that will give the type of product to use…).

Make you want to follow a treatment

With this application, La Roche-Posay also wants to make people with skin problems want to follow, and above all to continue, a treatment, because less than one in two people follow the treatment given by the dermatologist. To motivate us, the application shows a photo of what our epidermis will look like once the proposed routine is completed and analyzes our skin every day. For Professor Brigitte Dréno, Head of the Dermatology Department at the University Hospital of Nantes, becoming aware of the problems encountered by the epidermis is essential:"If Effaclar Spotscan helps patients to see firsthand the evolution of their acne and the reduction of lesions, the application may well motivate them to follow their treatment more seriously”.

Released this Monday, April 1, 2019, the application (accessible on phones from the dedicated site) is therefore presented as a real help for people who wish to get rid of imperfections and no longer suffer from complexes related to their skin. We validate!