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Size Machine, the cabin that allows you to know your size in all brands

Have you noticed how much our clothing sizes can vary from one store to another? We remember in particular this American who had made the buzz by showing that she had pants ranging from 36 to 42 in her wardrobe, all of which suited her very well. And even if for us, the gap is not always so big, it is quite annoying to systematically have to take two sizes when trying on a garment from a new brand. Well, in the near future, we may not have to thanks to a major innovation (oh oh!).

A revolutionary machine

The Size Machine was indeed designed to determine our measurements and to know its size in different brands. Its principle is simple:we take off our coat and sweater and go into the machine (it works better if we wear tight-fitting clothes). There, she carries out a body scan which gives us in 30 seconds our precise measurements (waist, chest and hips), as well as the detail on our morphology (rather A, H, O, V, X or 8 my darling?). We also leave with a booklet presenting looks that suit our morphology + advice on the types of accessories to add. Finally, the machine also allows you to know our size in different brands such as Zara, H&M, Mango or Jules (yes, it also works for these gentlemen!). Only constraint:only adults can try it.

The Size Machine will be tested on Wednesday 11, Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 January 2017 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the following shopping centers in Île-de-France:Les 4 Temps, Aéroville, Carré Sénart, Forum des Halles, Parly 2, Rosny 2, So Ouest and Vélizy 2. We can't wait for it to be generalized almost everywhere!