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Tattoos:are you ready to take the plunge?

With the sun and the first skin revealing itself, getting a tattoo can be (very) tempting. But before taking the plunge, keep in mind that a tattoo is for life. So, before starting, we think carefully, and read these 6 tips carefully.

1. Avoid the headbutt.

This tattoo you must have wanted and thought about for a long time. It shouldn't be done like that, because the idea came to you on a Saturday night after a "happy" meal, an argument with your family, a rock concert or drooling over a super stylish picture of Coeur de Pirate. You must have had this craving for a while, because you will literally keep it there.

Also think about the future:do not say to yourself "Well at worst, there are lasers, right? " No ! Lasers often leave traces, and sometimes even big scars. So we visualize ourselves all old and wrinkled, and we see if at that time, we would also assume.

2. Do it for the right reasons.

First reason:you must do it for yourself, not to please your man or annoy your loved ones. Conversely, you shouldn't be afraid to take the "because my man, well he's not very tattooed" step. Your body is yours, only you can decide!

Then you shouldn't do it as an antidote, having a sun pattern engraved on you to give you strength or a broken heart to exorcise an ex. That is regulated in the head, not in the body. We also avoid marking our skin to reinforce or prove an emotional state, such as "I Love Bob". Not only do you not need this but it will get on your nerves when that beautiful feeling fades…

Finally, you must not succumb to the fad or do it to imitate your favorite star. Fashions and tastes pass; the tattoo will always be there. So think of yourself, your desires and your deep personality.

3. Be ready to take the time before starting.

This is the best way to know if you really want it! First, choose the right pattern, by getting help, not from relatives (they might influence you) but from a professional and ultra-competent tattoo artist, whom you have selected after a good investigation for his style, his irreproachable hygiene , prices, etc. You can start from a pattern from his catalog that you personalize or draw one entirely with him. In short:your motif needs to be worked on and thought about for a long time.

Then you will have a series of appointments and reflection periods to take before the final drawing. And why not make it ephemeral before moving on to the definitive one to be 100% sure?

4. Thinking (a little) about others.

After having studied it well, alone and with your tattoo artist, take a step back and ask yourself now what others would think of it. Is a bite head on the wrist a good idea if you are a doctor? Wouldn't an ultra sexy pin-up be badly perceived by the parents of your students?

So we think carefully, without becoming paranoid or being influenced, just to check if our well-defined internal image is compatible with the real world.

5. Do it in the right place.

On the shoulder, ankle, neck or wrist:the choice of tattoo area depends on the exposure you want to give it. Do you want to see it regularly (ankle), occasionally (ankle), hardly (scapula) or just feel it (nape)? Do you want others to see it a little or a lot? Is the place not too exposed for your profession?

In addition, you should know that certain areas are more sensitive to pain and that it is better to avoid areas that may suffer from weight variations and a sharp reduction in the elasticity of the skin. If you want children, finally think about your pregnancy… and your caesarean, the tattoo can be a problem here.

6. Be ready to dedicate yourself to it next.

A tattoo is not "hop hop hop and then it's good". No, a tattoo needs maintenance. Already, you will probably have to make two or three touch-ups from time to time. In order not to look like a Smurf and avoid blue-green stains, you will also have to be careful of UV rays, which change the color of the ink and damage the drawing. So we invest in sunscreen and an umbrella on the beach!

So, are you ready?