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Facial care:how to determine my skin type?

The importance of knowing the different skin types

You should know that there are four main types of skin:normal, oily, combination and dry. Normal skin is ideal and it is the one that all women dream of. It has the advantage of being comfortable and requiring few cosmetics and facial care. The beauty routine is simplified. Oily skin suffers from excess sebum. Generally, the complexion is dull, the skin is thick, the pores are dilated, comedones are numerous and there are shines. Oily skin can be explained by hormonal reasons, periods of stress, pollution, etc. She needs more attention. Combination skin is characterized by oily skin on the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and normal, even dry skin on the cheeks. This type of skin is difficult to treat. Dry skin results in tightness, a particular sensitivity to climatic changes and a rough feeling to the touch. It is a skin that, above all, needs to be nourished.

Tips for determining your skin type

Determining your skin type is not always easy. In order not to be mistaken, you can go to a beautician or a dermatologist. They will give you a skin diagnosis and give you all the facial care advice adapted to your type. You can also determine this by observing yourself in a mirror. Choose clean skin and a magnifying mirror for more precision. There are certain indicators that do not deceive. You should check your face for enlarged pores, blackheads, dry patches and redness. Also ask yourself the right questions! You need to know if your complexion is dull or luminous, if your skin is thin, thick, showery, rough or sticky. Is your skin comfortable? Do you feel tight after cleansing your face? If you still have some doubts, you can do the handkerchief test. You should start by removing your makeup and cleansing your skin using soap and water. Wait 30 minutes. Then place a tissue on your face, like a mask, and press gently for ten seconds. It is then a question of observing to analyze the results. If there are traces of oil, it means that you have oily or combination skin depending on the areas concerned. No particular trace is significant of normal or dry skin.

Facial treatments adapted to the type of skin

Which facials to use depends on your skin type. To take care of dry skin, it is advisable to use moisturizing milk rather than cleansing water. The moisturizer should be very protective. In general, water, soap and abrasive products should be avoided as much as possible. Oily skin should be cleansed and moisturized twice a day. People tend to think that it is not useful to moisturize at the risk of having even oilier skin. It is a mistake ! It is just important to choose a suitable cream, light or mattifying. Combination skin is the most delicate to treat. Do not hesitate to turn to specific care for combination skin. They have the advantage of combining moisturizing active ingredients and rebalancing components to regulate sebum.