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Cream, powder, capsule, injection of hyaluronic acid… What to choose?

Treatment with hyaluronic acid in capsules

You can easily find capsules to take as food supplements containing hyaluronic acid on the market. These dietary supplements are intended for oral administration. The properties of these capsules with hyaluronic acid are to prevent the aging of the skin, the arrival of wrinkles and other fine lines or even sagging skin. To do this, these food supplements based on hyaluronic acid have moisturizing properties on the skin. The capsules make it possible to renew the hyaluronic acid naturally present in the human body, but which we lose with age. These food supplements do not act to fill wrinkles, but more to give radiance to the complexion and elasticity to the skin.

Treatment with hyaluronic acid in creams

Some creams contain a high dose of hyaluronic acid. They are intended to penetrate the epidermis to hydrate it. The creams provide the skin cells with the hyaluronic acid that we naturally lose. Skin cells are thus regenerated. You can use this type of cream with hyaluronic acid to slightly correct the wrinkles and fine lines present on your face and neck, moisturize your epidermis, tone your skin, smooth your face, strengthen the cells of your epidermis.

Treatment with hyaluronic acid by injections

For long-lasting effects, without dermal application or oral intake, you can opt for mild surgery. Indeed, you can have hyaluronic acid injected directly into the dermis. This treatment with hyaluronic acid is carried out by a plastic surgeon or a doctor. The effects of hyaluronic acid injections are immediate. As for side effects, they are very rare and relatively mild. The action of the injected hyaluronic acid lasts up to six months, the time that the product is absorbed naturally. Injections of hyaluronic acid can correct wrinkles, bring more tone to the skin, and give or restore volume to certain parts of the face.

Treatment with hyaluronic acid powder

You can also find hyaluronic acid in powder form commercially or on specialized sites. The latter is intended to be diluted in your usual creams. It reinforces the moisturizing action of your cream, and can also bring radiance to your complexion. However, its action is less, since the hyaluronic acid thus diluted in your cream cannot penetrate your dermis.