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Hyaluronic acid, what is it?

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule found in the human body. The vitreous humor or the synovial fluid (present in the cartilage) contain it, for example. Hyaluronic acid is therefore a natural molecule. You have it in your body, but with age, the stock of hyaluronic acid decreases. At 50, the body only contains 50% of the initial hyaluronic acid; this is why wrinkles appear and the skin relaxes. The one you will find on the market comes from industry:it results either from the grinding of cockscombs, then from chemical treatment and purification – a method that is tending to disappear –, or from synthetic processes. Thus, hyaluronic acid almost no longer comes from animal proteins.

Hyaluronic acid, what is it for?

To find a more radiant and less marked skin, you do not have to go through a major cosmetic surgery operation. Hyaluronic acid may be the right solution. Indeed, this molecule hydrates and replenishes the skin. In fact, hyaluronic acid is used in cosmetic surgery to fill in wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid is one of the safest products to achieve this result. It is preferred to collagen, because the risk of allergy is lower. In addition, the effect of hyaluronic acid lasts longer than that of other substances that can be injected. Count eight to twelve months before returning to consult a surgeon. The effects of this molecule are immediate.

Hyaluronic acid:which areas to treat?

Hyaluronic acid helps to erase wrinkles and fine lines, present, for example, in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, labial commissures or frown lines and crow's feet. If the volumes of your face bother you or if your skin is sagging, you can also work on it with hyaluronic acid. The molecule can enhance your cheekbones, give bounce to your cheeks, or firm up the oval of your face. For combination and oily skin, hyaluronic acid is very well tolerated, as it hydrates the skin without making it greasy.

In what forms can I find hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a product that is easily found. It exists in various forms, and the modes of administration vary. For example, you can find it in a cream for skin application, in food supplements for oral intake, or you can get hyaluronic acid injections.