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Hair removal:what men prefer

Metro ticket, full or natural? This is often a question that we ask ourselves when we have to go to the beautician. Obviously at first, we do it to take care of ourselves but it is also to please our man. But what does he prefer?

The American magazine AskMen carried out a survey of 5,000 men to find out their preferences in terms of hair removal and the opinions are well settled. In fact, nearly 41% of respondents prefer full hair removal or a high-cut Brazilian bikini, compared to 38% who see no problem in keeping our hair, if it is well maintained (do they mean by that well brushed? !).

Among this survey, there are still 15% who said they had no opinion on the matter, so far as to say:"If that's how she feels sexy, why change everything (if that's not cute).

With hairy armpits all the rage again, could you let your swimsuit grow back without fear?