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Porous hair:what to do?

The porous hair tend not to retain the moisture you give them. This can have different causes, related to your environment or your diet. What to do and what habits to adopt to deeply moisturize your hair ? Here are some tips to achieve this.

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What is porous hair?

Porous hair:what to do?

How to recognize porous hair? In practice, it is not always obvious whether your hair is porous or not. Porosity is the moisture absorption capacity. In particular, there are three levels:high, medium and low.

Have porous hair means having hair with open scales, resulting in significant moisture inside the hair fiber . To remedy this situation, we will favor gentle and moisturizing care which come to balance the level of humidity of the hair.

The level of porosity depends on several criteria, such as the nature of the hair. It also tends to increase if the hair has been weakened beforehand, especially with the intensive use of the hair dryer or with rather aggressive products.

Thus, the main symptom of too much porosity is a feeling of dry hair that is difficult to comb . In the same way, this type of hair tends to retain moisture and therefore has difficulty drying, even with the maximum level of intensity of the hair dryer.

Why do we have porous hair?

What causes hair porosity ? Day after day our hair is confronted with a large number of external aggressions . These damage the hair cuticle and make it more susceptible to harsh environmental elements, such as the sun and the heat of the hair dryer. This is accentuated by certain bad habits that we often have, such as brushing our hair too hard or even wearing hats or caps.

The main cause can just as well be internal, due to poor diet . In particular an iron deficiency, essential for strong hair and in full vitality. As you will have understood, the causes are multiple and depend on the pace of life we ​​lead, the outside temperature, environmental aggressions and our eating habits.

Porous hair:what to do?

Different levels of hair porosity

Hair has cuticles (or scales) more or less open which absorb and retain hydration to a certain extent. In particular, three different levels of porosity can be distinguished. Understanding these three stages will allow you to adapt your hair routine accordingly, depending on the level your hair is in:

  • Low porosity , marked by the presence of cuticles that are too closed and compact. In this type of situation, the scale is tight and prevents proper hydration in the hair. Once the water enters the fiber, it is very difficult to get out, which is expressed by a considerable drying time. If you take twice as long as your friends to dry your hair, this is often a sign of low hair porosity.
  • A medium porosity hair. This is so-called "normal" hair, with scales tight enough to allow moisture to enter in a satisfactory quantity. This type of hair moisturizes rather easily with natural and silicone-free products.
  • High porosity, with very open scales. Hydration sinks in easily and comes out right away. High porosity is expressed by dry and brittle hair, which is often the case with hair that has been subjected to significant attacks (repeated smoothing, discoloration, strong exposure to the sun, etc.).

Porous hair:what to do?

How to recognize porous hair?

A quick test can tell if your hair is porous or not. To do this, you need a glass of water and your clean, pre-washed hair. Do not apply any hair products and leave your hair as it is, once dried.

Then, immerse your hair in water and wait for about 3 minutes. If your hair tends to flow, it means your hair porosity level is high. If the hair floats and stays on the surface, you have low porosity. Finally, the level of porosity is medium if the hair flows very slightly and stops in the middle of the glass.

Once you have determined the degree of porosity in your hair, all you have to do is apply the right products to remedy this situation and take care of your hair .

How to hydrate porous hair?

Porous hair:what to do?

Do you want to remedy porous hair and regain beautiful, silky hair in full vitality? There are suitable solutions for this. At first, avoid external aggressions from the environment as much as possible, which favors the retention of humidity. Then opt for adapted care , such as an organic and natural keratin-based shampoo and a moisturizing mask to apply to the hair after the conditioner. All preferably silicone-free and 100% natural so as not to subject your hair to even more insult. Indeed, silicone tends to dull the hair fiber and clog pores, which has the opposite effect to that expected in the long term.

In addition, if you expose your hair to the sun or use heated appliances, do not hesitate to use a heat protection spray and a protective cream to guarantee perfect health for your mane on a daily basis. A leave-in mask or any other organic and natural product will be perfect. Faced with porous hair, it is therefore necessary to do everything to find hair in full health and to avoid weakening it even more. The goal is to give them strength and vitality for a long time.

What care to use?

How to fix your high porosity hair? To overcome very porous hair, we happily adopt a real ritual that will allow you to easily find all the beauty of your hair of yesteryear.

A suitable shampoo for gentle cleansing

Porous hair does not have a protective barrier sufficient to retain all the hydration given to it. Everything happens as if it rejects the food that is lavished on it to retain only the humidity in its scales. On the contrary, a low porous hair has very tight and healthy scales.

The distressed fiber therefore requires a start with a quality wash , using a moisturizing and gentle shampoo that cleans deeply without attacking, even when used daily. Which porous hair shampoo? Opt for a formula without endocrine disruptors, 100% organic and natural for a care adapted to your hair.

A mask or treatment to hydrate your porous hair

Porous hair requires deep regeneration , as regards more particularly their lengths. A hair formula rich in keratin will be suitable to overcome brittle hair that tends to regress. Keratin is a protein naturally produced by the hair, a high quality active ingredient to nourish the hair shaft. Applied as a mask, it boosts your hair fiber in the blink of an eye.

Rinsing, an important moment in the skincare ritual

In fact, a very porous hair tends to never retain the care applied. This is because of its detached scales which let nutrients, water and keratin escape. The hair only retains moisture, which greatly weakens it.

To remedy this, the rinsing process is of fundamental importance. You can rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar , which will allow the scales to be smoothed and the level of hydration to intensify quickly in the fiber.

To perfect your 100% natural hair beauty ritual , feel free to use a vegetable oil based on organic products. This oil will restore the hydrolipidic film of your hair without losing any benefit in the care. You can use it in several different ways, as an organic conditioner in a leave-in version or in an oil bath to deeply nourish your hair all night long. You will then find on waking a capillary mass in perfect health.

You now have all the cards in hand to deeply rehydrate your porous hair! Share your experiences and routines with us in the comments!