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What pregnancy does to your hair

What pregnancy does to your hair

A lot happens in your body during pregnancy. Some things you expected, others you had no idea, such as what happens to your hair…

Full head of hair

Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones who are blessed with a full head of hair during pregnancy. This often occurs during pregnancy. During your pregnancy, more hairs remain in the growth phase, so less hair falls out and that ensures a beautiful full haircut.

Read also: '10 hair problems and solutions'

Hair loss

Enjoy it while it lasts, because after pregnancy you might be shocked in the shower. Your hair seems to fall out in clumps. Take a few deep breaths:you won't go bald. Because your hormones are suddenly a lot less, more hair will fall out. Hair that did not fall out during your pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about hair loss after your pregnancy.

Baby hairs

Women who have been mothers for a few months can sometimes be recognized by the baby hairs on their foreheads. The hair starts to grow back, but the short hairs are often rebellious. The hair that grows back may be a bit thinner at first. It takes time, but that will also work out in the end.