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What does your face say about your diet?

What does your face say about your diet?

What you eat also affects your skin. And if a pimple, wrinkle or stain appears in a certain spot on your face, that says something about your diet.

Pimples on your chin or jaw

They can be a sign of a blockage in the colon. Eat more fiber-rich products such as shiitake (43.3 grams of fiber per 100 grams) to get your intestines to work.

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Wrinkles above your mouth

You may have a blockage in your digestive tract. The cause in your stomach or small intestine are toxins that are not sufficiently removed. Drink more water.

Deep laugh lines (and lines at the nose)

These arise when your lungs and liver do not work as well as a result of smoking or breathing incorrectly. Quitting cigarettes and starting yoga will help improve your breathing.

Wrinkles on your forehead

These wrinkles can be a sign of a blocked colon or a gallbladder full of toxins. Eat less dairy and processed nutrients.

Dark circles under your eyes

Your adrenal glands may be exhausted. You may be drinking too much caffeine, not sleeping well, or under too much stress. Take more rest and drink green tea. Do you want to get rid of them quickly? You can with this beauty tip.

A blotchy skin

Your heart has to work too hard because you eat too much animal protein or fat. Eating more plant-based foods can restore your skin tissue.