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How to choose your moisturizer?

We can never repeat it enough:radiant skin is hydrated skin ! Impossible, therefore, to think of a beauty routine without good hydration.

Problem:it is not always easy to navigate among the many moisturizing products available on the market today! Between the day creams , gels, night creams, emulsions... There is something to lose ground.

But then, how to choose your moisturizer , THE ideal product that will suit our skin? The answer in this little guide!

Face cream:what is it for?

Our skin is 70% water. To function well (and properly protect our body from external aggressions), the skin needs to constantly maintain a certain level of hydration.

First reflexes to adopt to stay hydrated:drink enough (at least 1.5 L of water per day) and adopt a balanced diet (rich in water, antioxidants)… Unfortunately, these gestures are not enough to keep your skin hydrated as you “age”!

The reason ? She is straightforward. The older we get, the less our skin tissue is able to retain the water it contains. It then becomes essential to give it a little boost with moisturizing products. Their role ? Prevent skin dehydration by slowing water evaporation absorbed by the body.

In other words, the role of a moisturizer is not so much to hydrate the skin , but rather to prevent it from becoming dehydrated! (Do you understand why it is IMPERATIVE to drink water, even with all the creams in the world?).

How to choose your moisturizer?

Which day cream to choose to optimize skin hydration?

We will have understood:a good day cream should prevent dehydration of the skin. Ideally, this cream should be organic and made with natural ingredients - it is the only way to avoid certain harmful active ingredients from petrochemicals.

Yes, but here it is:choose a natural cream not enough. To find THE ideal day cream that suits your skin, you must first learn… to know yourself better! According to your skin type , his skin condition AND his age , the needs of the skin can vary greatly! In other words:the best moisturizer is the one that matches your skin.

Choose the right organic face cream according to your skin type

Each type of skin has its own problems and needs! For example, dehydrated skin exposed daily to pollution will need a moisturizer with antioxidant action!

The first reflex to adopt is therefore to identify your skin type.

👋 You don't know your skin type ? Perform your beauty diagnosis in minutes with Nuoo.

How to choose your moisturizer?

How to choose the best moisturizer when you have dry skin?

Dry skin is distinguished by the discomfort it causes. It is a skin that is often tight, even itchy... It can also cause redness and irritation. This fragility is generally caused by a lack of sebum . However, it is precisely the sebum, rich in fatty acids, which is responsible for protecting the skin and limit water loss...

What to give dry skin ? Fat above all, in order to nourish it and strengthen its skin barrier! To do this, you can opt for creams with a thick texture containing vegetable oil or vegetable butter (like shea butter!).

  • Enriched with hyaluronic acid, argan oil and aloe vera, Daily Renew Organic Face Cream by Evolve Beauty is specially designed for dry skin. It helps boost the elasticity of the skin and promotes cell renewal.
  • Thanks to its natural active ingredients rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and flavonoids, the Multivitamin Awakening Cream from La Canopée will give your skin a real boost of radiance! We particularly welcome its richness in antioxidants.
  • We can say it, Kadalys Hydramuse Comforting Cream is aptly named. Its two natural ingredients (yellow banana and mango butter) combined with hyaluronic acid deeply nourish the skin.

Oily skin:hydrate with a non-greasy moisturizer

Unlike dry skin, oily skin contains excess sebum (also called “excess sebum”). In other words, the sebaceous glands work in excess. Problem:this excess is just as harmful as the lack of sebum - because it leads to an accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin. Worse:the overproduction of sebum can go so far as to clog the pores of the skin and dilate them - leading to the appearance of pimples and blackheads .

For this reason, the distinguishing features of oily skin are often the visible and dilated pores , shiny skin, blemishes…

What to give to oily skin? Water - because YES, even oily skin needs hydration! But beware:oily skin does not hydrate just anyhow! Choose lightweight products such as oil-free gel moisturizers or mattifying creams, and avoid greasy products at all costs. In short, opt above all for a non-greasy moisturizer.

Things to Remember

Do not confuse nutrition with hydration. Dry skin needs nutrition (oily), when oily skin needs hydration (water).

  • The Perfect Skin Fluid by La Canopée guarantees your skin a perfect and healthy complexion. Its active ingredients (Clary sage, pink clay, tea tree essential oil and bergamot essential oil) regulate sebum production and boost cell renewal.
  • Specially designed for combination to oily skin, the Organic Mattifying Regulating Fluid from Centifolia brings balance and soothing to the skin, by regulating its production of sebum.
  • Natural and vegan, the True Balance Balancing and Mattifying Care by Evolve Beauty regulates sebum production while hydrating the skin. It must be said that it contains ingredients of choice (Avocado oil, hyaluronic acid, Moringa peptides, etc.)

Moisturizing cream for combination skin:how to choose?

Combination skin is a gentle mixture of dry skin and oily skin ! Often, it is characterized by dry skin on the cheeks and oily skin on the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) associated with some imperfections (dilated pores, pimples, blackheads…).

We will have understood:combination skin is therefore skin that suffers from excess sebum in places… and lack of sebum in places. The whole challenge will then be to regulate the production of sebum or to promote it in a targeted way - all by varying the products!

  • A real ally for combination skin with imperfections, the Organic Purifying Face Cream Gel by Cattier gently moisturizes and mattifies the skin. We particularly appreciate its organic formula enriched with aloe vera, which deeply hydrates the skin.
  • The Organic Regulating Day Cream from Pai Skincare helps to rebalance the T-zone of the face thanks to its active ingredients rich in essential fatty acids (in particular safflower oil and borage oil).
  • Concentrated in beeswax, walnut oil and sweet almond oil, La Mai Poulido La Petite Cévenole Radiance Lip Balm of the brand Belesa nourishes and protects the cheeks (in addition to coloring them). The little extra? It can also be used on lips and eyes!

How to hydrate normal skin?

If your skin does not present any particular problem, it is called “normal” skin (also called “balanced skin ”, because it has a good water balance). The challenge here is therefore to make sure to preserve this balance with the appropriate cosmetic products! These must have a light texture (these can be moisturizing gels, emulsions, etc.).

How to recognize face creams suitable for normal skin? They are often called "universal", because they are suitable for all skin types.

  • Thanks to its targeted active ingredients (aloe vera, magnesium, coconut oil, organic honey, etc.), the Organic Health Cream d'Absolution regulates the epidermis and stimulates the natural defences skin.
  • Thanks to its 100% natural formula (enriched with green tea oil and blackberry extract), the Glow up face moisturizer by Oolution brings an immediate boost to your skin.
  • Composed mainly of fruit extracts (raspberry, blackberry berries, cranberry berries), the Intense rehydration organic day cream by MOSSA deeply plumps the skin and boosts cell renewal (thanks to the antioxidants!).
How to choose your moisturizer?

Which moisturizer to choose when you have sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin needs to be pampered. Fragile by essence, sensitive skin is distinguished by its great reactivity to external aggressions (cold, pollution, wind, water, sun, stress, etc.). This hypersensitivity then results in sensations of tightness , redness , burns ...

Fortunately, many creams designed specifically to take care of this skin condition exist in the market. To recognize them, it's simple:just watch for the mentions "high-tolerance cream", "cream for sensitive and reactive skin", etc.

What is special about specific care for sensitive skin?

👉 These are soft products , devoid of irritating substances (such as perfumes, silicones, as well as certain active ingredients such as retinol or fruit acids).

  • The Organic Soothing Day Cream by Pai Skincar is specially designed for sensitive skin! Thanks to its gentle and natural ingredients (chamomile, rose oil), it moisturizes and soothes the skin without attacking it.
  • Enriched with Mont-Blanc Glacier Water and organic Mango Butter, the Hydra-Soothing Rich Cream deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin. It is particularly suitable for sensitive skin with dry tendencies.
  • Composed of Jonzac Thermal Water, hyaluronic acid and vegetable glycerin, Rehydrate Light Fondant Care from the Jonzac brand moisturizes and regenerates the skin, while preventing cell aging.

How to apply your moisturizer?

Take a dab of moisturizer and warm it between your fingers to facilitate its penetration on the face. Then apply your moisturizer starting with the cheeks (this is usually the driest area of ​​the face), and go up towards the outside of the face with upward movements . Take advantage of this moment to massage your face :this good reflex stimulates blood circulation! Finally, finish by tapping the T-zone with the remaining cream on your fingers.

At what point in your beauty routine should you apply your day cream?

The day cream Apply systematically to cleansed skin. If your routine includes the application of a serum, it must be applied before the day cream.