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A bath to relax

The atmosphere. If you want to let go (body and mind), it is better to be in a dimly lit room (avoid concentrating on what you see =awaken the other senses):you can turn off the light and light candles to dampen the mood. It is also good to put on soft music, in line with your state of mind:it avoids hearing yourself think. The perfect time to let go of the pressure? In the evening, before going to bed.

Bath version. Fill the tub completely with water at 32-35°C. No more, otherwise the body risks feeling the heat as an attack and you get the opposite effect:you cannot relax. While the water is running, we pour bubble bath with lavender, neroli or chamomile, three flowers known for their calming and soothing properties. Another option is to infuse sprigs of lavender or chamomile flowers directly in the bath water. We lie down in the tub and close our eyes to let go. Afterwards, it's as you want:hair in the water, head completely immersed... You stay there between 15 and 30 minutes, no more, beyond that, it's tiring for the body. NB:if you don't have the time (or don't have a bathtub), the foot bath is also very effective for relaxing (promised!).

Shower version. Just because we are standing, a shower is naturally less relaxing than a bath. So, to relax, we put the water jet either above the head (if we wash our hair), or in the upper back. We stay a few minutes under water, eyes closed, and calm our breathing. We use products with floral or woody fragrances.

To the output. We massage the upper body (from the belly to the shoulders) with a mixture of 3 drops of lavender essential oil + a vegetable oil. Perform relaxing circular movements. No essential oil? We massage with a moisturizer, it's already a lot of good!

Products we love. Effervescent Aromatic Pebble Relaxing Milky Bath, Quiriness, €22.90 for 10. Relaxing Bath &Massage Oil, Pañpuri, €45.40. Benevolent Shower Gel with Cornflower, Britanie, €12.90. Aromatherapy Absolute Relax, Palmolive, €1.99.

Thanks to Chico Shigeta, vitality coach.