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Bath rituals that allow you to relax optimally

Bath rituals that allow you to relax optimally

Many people have a bath, but don't always take the time to enjoy it. Because they are busy or because they find it a hassle. And that while you are just relaxing, sitting in the bath for fifteen minutes. A few bathing rituals will make your time in the bathroom even more relaxing.


Of course, having a book in the bath is killing two birds with one stone. You read a good book and you get clean in the bath. The same goes for a magazine or your phone. But if you just don't take these three into the bathroom, taking a bath is even more relaxing. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. As soon as you get out of the bath, that one message can also be answered.

Me time

Do you also have that feeling of being in your own steam bubble in the bathroom? No one to open the door and certainly no one to look in from the outside. If you have a window, you can hang cheap blinds in front of it. You keep the outside world out and you can be yourself for a while. Housemates storming in with the lock on the door. That one moment in the warm bath is for yourself.

A cold or warm glass

If you like to sit in the bath for a long time, then you also have to take care of the inner man. Take a cup of herbal tea, for example. Or just a cool glass of water. You are very refreshed. If you do go for that tea, take a look at the effect of the different herbal teas. With one tea you achieve something completely different than with the other. You prefer to make tea from fresh herbs. Or fresh ginger, which is good for almost everything.

Functional fragrance

Finally what you do in the bath. You can opt for bath foam, but what is even better is treating yourself to a delicious bath oil. For example, you can go for lavender oil, which provides extra relaxation. Or you prefer eucalyptus, an oil that provides extra cleansing. All essential oils have a function. It is also important that you like the smell of it. Just because you have this bathing moment to come to yourself.

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