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16 easy ways to relax

Life moves fast and before you know it, the days, weeks or months have flown by without you noticing. We are always so busy and rushing from one thing to another that we forget to look around and enjoy the world we live in. So, why not just take some time and give yourself a little break to – stop, relax and just enjoy life? Here are some ways you can do this.

1. Go for a relaxed bike ride
A relaxed bike ride somewhere where there is no traffic (or very little) can work wonders.

2. Take a Little Road Trip
Going somewhere by car? Take the scenic route instead of the fastest. Listen to your favorite music and see if there are any sights and stop.

3. Pamper yourself
Pampering yourself is a great way to relax, so pick what you like best and get ready to relax.

4. Enjoy the stars
Gazing at the night sky and watching the stars can be fascinating. Clear your mind so that you can give the stars your full attention.

5. Listen to music
No matter where you are, you can always relax by listening to good music.

6. Sleep in
Sleeping in can be wonderful if possible. Think of the wonderful feeling you get when you fall asleep and that you don't have to get up at a specific time.

7. Meditate
Meditation is one of the best ways to clear your head and relax. Give it a try.

8. Get creative
Draw, paint, sculpt, knit – whatever. There are so many ways to be creative and make something.

9. Movie night
Choose a movie and make some popcorn, sit back and immerse yourself in another world.

10. A day without technology
Sometimes a simple way to relax is as easy as disconnecting yourself from your phone, PC, tablet, TV, etc.

11. Have a read
Snuggle up with a good book. Reading helps take your mind off what is happening in your life.

12. Candlelight dinner at home
Make one of your favorite dishes or order, set the table and light candles. Candlelight helps you relax while you enjoy the food.

13. Float around in a pool
Floating on the water on a hot summer day evokes the atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Lie on a lounger in the pool, close your eyes and relax.

14. Watch the sunset or sunrise
Choose whichever is best for you (or both) and find a place to sit and watch the sun rise or set.

15. Relax in a hammock
Lounging in a hammock is the ultimate in relaxation. Gently swinging on a lazy summer day or taking a nap is all about enjoying.

16. Go for a walk in nature
Walking in nature away from the crowds is a great way to relax. Take the time to look at everything around you and enjoy.