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My cheeks are falling, what should I do?

22Your eyes are dark circles, you are still passing, you have not slept much and you find in the accumulation of fatigue reasons to calm your mind. But those cheeks, why are they falling like this. What is this Droopy face that suddenly replaced the one you had. And why?

The reasons are simple:weight loss, heredity, nicotine, ultraviolet rays, and that damn aging. Yes, with age, nasolabial folds better known as "laugh lines" (which don't make you laugh) become hollow because your skin loses its elasticity.

So, we cannot fight against the inexorable course of time and its impact on our faces, but we can slow down its process. And there is no miracle recipe (apart from cosmetic surgery, but you are not there yet), you must make changes in your life by correcting your dietary errors (more fruits and vegetables, less fat and sweet) and adding new habits such as regular exercise. So much for the background treatment.

There remains what can be done quickly and which can tone your face and particularly your cheeks, we are talking here about facial gymnastics that can restore tone and shape to them.


We puff out our cheeks to the ma-xi-mum

You are in front of your computer, type on Google, “Joues Dizzy Gillespie”, you will understand. The exercise therefore consists of inflating your cheeks as much as possible and circulating the air from one cheek to the other. You can use your fingers to keep your lips closed if necessary.

My cheeks are falling, what should I do?

We blow out a candle (imaginary of course)

Same principle as the first trick, except that we do not keep the air in the cheeks, we expel it gently until the end of the exhalation. Do this about twenty times.

We put ourselves in the posture of the very angry thinker

Well seated, you put one elbow on a table in front of you then you place your fist under your chin. Once in this posture of the "thinker », you will open your mouth and try to push your fist back by forcing with your chin. Wait for your muscles to warm up before stopping.

We think we're a pike for 30 seconds

Open your mouth wide and curl your upper and lower lip to cover your teeth. Keep them stretched over your teeth to stretch the corners of your mouth outward. Gently project your lower jaw forward as well. Hold the position for about 30 seconds. To be repeated four to five times.

We start grimacing

We push her lips to the right, we block a little and we do the same thing on the left, and we repeat at will, you will feel your cheekbones working like never before. To tone the muscles of the face, you can also raise your eyebrows and hold them in a raised position and count to 5, while opening your mouth wide

We pinch our cheeks

This will activate blood circulation. But be careful we pinch without trying to stretch the skin.

Chewing gum

The act of mastication involves four facial muscles:the masseter, the temporal, the lateral pterygoid and the medial pterygoid, which essentially surround the regions of the lower jaw and the cheek.