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How to grow your hair fast

How to grow your hair fast

Tired of having short hair? Tired of having hair that only grows a centimeter every month? Let's see how to find a dreamy, long and toned mane in a few tips. Because yes, hair needs to be maintained and cared for. So to find the shiny and long hair you dream of, let's see what to do in a few gestures.

Take dietary supplements

The first thing you can think of in terms of hair growth is dietary supplements. Indeed, everyone knows that the stomach is the second brain. Everything we ingest has an impact on our body and our well-being. Thus, food supplements such as brewer's yeast help hair grow faster. This yeast grows hair but also body hair because it promotes the creation of keratin, an element that makes up hair, body hair and nails. Thus, brewer's yeast will promote hair growth. In addition, brewer's yeast contains vitamins B1, B5, B8 and B9 as well as minerals, which have a beneficial impact throughout the body.

Making scalp scrubs

If you don't see results with brewer's yeast or want more growth, you should try scalp scrubs. Although it may seem strange at first glance, scalp scrubs are very simple to perform and useful. Simply massage the moistened scalp for about five minutes with the help of a specialized or homemade product. The exfoliation will allow to take off the impurities which are on the skull, that is to say the dead cells, the dandruff but also the sebum. The scrub therefore initially purifies the hair, which is not unpleasant. And secondly, this scrub will increase blood circulation in the scalp, which will stimulate hair growth. For a cheap and effective exfoliation, you can use coffee grounds with a little oil. It is also customary to apply mustard to the scalp to further activate blood circulation. Obviously, do not forget to rinse in both cases.

Do regular oil baths and treatments

For hair to grow quickly, it must be constantly well maintained. Indeed, the healthier the hair, the faster the hair will grow. If it is damaged and dry, it grows less quickly. In addition, when the lengths are damaged and split, the only solution is to cut them. But to prevent the hair from being damaged by pushing and for it to grow faster, it is imperative to treat it. It can be useful to regularly bathe in vegetable oil (once a week is more than enough). You can use vegetable oils such as olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil or others. Simply put the oil on the ends and a little on the lengths, leave on for a day or night and wash them off the next day. The hair is soft and light but above all, well protected. Finally, in addition to these oil baths, the tips should be protected if possible with serums, oils, creams.