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Maternity clothes, the do's and don'ts for a trendy outfit

It's been a while since I dressed in maternity clothes (although I still have one shirt that I wore then and now sometimes, but then for sports 😉 ). At the time I thought I looked fine, but when I look back at the photos I don't really understand how I looked like that then. Now your taste and fashion will of course change a bit, but I do know that I thought it was a shame to spend too much money on maternity clothes. Something I regret afterwards because the very beautiful photos were not taken and I could have looked a bit more hip.

In addition, it is very nice to feel beautiful when you are pregnant, and you should therefore pay some attention to that, which is not a superfluous luxury at all. Don't you also spoil yourself with other tasty things during pregnancy, such as a nice bath hour or shower ritual?

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Positional clothing:do´s and don´ts

Every woman wants to look fashionable, including pregnant women. In the latter case, it is of course important that the clothing is comfortable, even more important than if you are not pregnant. Especially if your body is changing drastically while you are still working, it is important that you feel good. If you feel good, you perform better and it is all easier to maintain. In addition, you radiate, and what is more beautiful than a radiant pregnant woman? With the following do's and don'ts you will get through your pregnancy in a fashionable and comfortable way.

Don´t – Buy a bigger size

Many pregnant women think they need a bigger size when their tummy starts to grow. They just forget that with a bigger size everything gets bigger, so there is a chance that the clothes will start to slide (been there, done that). Maternity wear is there for a reason; it takes into account the parts of your body that grow during your pregnancy without having to change size. Good maternity clothing makes your figure even more beautiful than you already are.

Do – Online Shopping

With a possible morning sickness, it can be quite a task to shop. In addition, your feet swell and it is not really nice to walk through the city all day. Save yourself the trouble and buy maternity clothes online at Zalando, for example. This way you look nice without having to put in too much effort. And doesn't it fit? No worries, it can be returned in no time, without having to make another tour through the city.

Don´t – Buy a whole new wardrobe

Buy a few good basics and you can go a long way by combining nicely. The clothing is (of course) only temporary and with a possible next pregnancy you can just be pregnant again at a different time of the year, so that you cannot reuse everything. That is why a few good basic pieces are really important. Do you also have some money left over to spend on the nursery  😉 . If you do want more variety in clothing, take a look, for example, at second-hand maternity clothing. It is a lot cheaper and rarely worn out due to the short lifespan!

Do – Buy good maternity underwear

It won't be as sexy as normal lingerie, but it is very important that you buy good underwear that supports your stomach and breasts. In addition, it is a lot nicer if a bra adapts to your growing breasts and does not pinch, nothing more annoying than that! The video below explains what you should pay attention to when buying maternity lingerie, take advantage of it.

And further? To enjoy! Do you have any tips for maternity clothes? Let us know!