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treating fungal nails; various treatment methods at a glance

Bikini season is coming! Is your body already bikini-proof † Although I can't get enough of the summer, it is hard work. And I'm mainly talking about the fight against the pounds and the unwanted hair. But your feet could also use some extra attention in the summer. If they are still well hidden in closed shoes for the rest of the year, they should also be a bit presentable during the slipper season. Normally, filing and painting is sufficient, but what if you have a fungal nail? Then you also have to treat the fungal nail before you can paint. That is why we have found out for you which methods are fortreating a fungal nail to be. Can we then focus on shaving legs and sports.

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How do you get it and how can you treat a fungal nail?

A fungal nail is actually a fungal infection. And the fungus that causes it occurs in more places than you would like. In the pool we keep our slippers on when taking a shower, but you can get fungal nails in many places. Also just at home! And even in your own pinching shoes. The fungal nail fungus loves a moist environment and strikes when you have a reduced resistance. If your nail is damaged or has been moist for a long time, it is more susceptible to fungal nails.

Good airing to treat a fungal nail is therefore important – in the house and bathroom, but also in your shoes. However, fresh air is still no guarantee to prevent fungal nails. As soon as your skin comes into contact with the dander of someone who is already infected, you also run the risk of getting fungal nails.

Prevention of fungal nails is better than cure

Can you prevent fungal nails? Because that still sounds better than treating fungal nails of course. Well, dear reader, maybe not quite. But you can minimize the chance of fungal nails.

This way you can reduce the chance of fungal nails

Firstly, by never walking barefoot in public areas † Saunas, fitness centers and swimming pools are hotbeds for fungi. It is best to wear not only slippers, but also cotton or wool socks. The only question is whether you feel like it in the sauna.

Also very important:dry your feet well after showering † As soon as you put on your socks and shoes with damp feet, a hotbed for fungi is created. So dry well! You can also occasionally wash your feet with antibacterial soap † And suggest that to the rest of the family too, because as long as one of you has to treat a fungal nail, there's a chance the rest of the family will suffer too. Especially if there are shared nail scissors going around! Perhaps the most important tip:work on your resistance † Research shows that fungal infections (as well as more nasty conditions) especially strike if you have a low resistance. So a lot of vitamins and then off to that fitness center.

You can find good vitamins for your resistance here

Treating a fungal nail:these are your options

Prevention is better than cure, but you have to be there on time. And by the way, you can still walk on your toes, you can always get a fungal nail. Like lice, or a broken arm. But luckily you can't just treat lice , but also treat a fungal nail.

Do you also suffer from fungal nails? In any case, it's nothing to be ashamed of. And you are not alone either:together with corns and athlete's foot fungal nails are one of the most common foot disorders † Ten percent of the Dutch population suffers from fungal infections of the feet. And finally we have found an ailment that seems to bother the gentlemen more! Nice and nice, but fungal nails remain a common problem. So we come to the next question:how can you best treat a fungal nail?

1. The doctor and a heavy cure to treat your fungal nail

It is always the first advice when we talk about medical matters:go to the doctor. You can treat a fungal nail yourself, but your doctor can best determine whether you really have a fungal nail, and also what kind. Although there are a lot of home, garden and kitchen remedies available, you have to have a bit of luck with them. There are different types of fungal nails. And the remedy that you buy or get from your grandmother should only just catch on with your fungus.

The doctor can therefore determine whether you really have fungal nails, and how you can best treat your fungal nail. We do warn you:the cure that the GP usually prescribes is not for the cat. You have to take tablets for a few months. This makes your contraceptive pill unreliable, and you should absolutely not get pregnant during this course (good combination!). Oh, and one more downside:you should also avoid alcohol during your cure. Is that the last straw for you? Then you can also get started yourself. But here too a small warning:you do need some patience. Treating a fungal nail is a lengthy process.

2. Home, garden and kitchen remedies, Vicks Vaporub

Doesn't that tablet course from the doctor sound great to you? And do you want to treat your fungal nail without a heavy course of antibiotics? Then you can try grandma's remedies!

Treating a fungal nail is therefore a difficult thing, but there is a remedy that we always come across for treating fungal nails:Vicks Vaporub † Huh, we were talking about treating a fungal nail, I hear you think. Indeed, and yet that Vicks seems to work quite well for getting rid of your fungal nails. A little bit of stuff on your nail every day should work wonders. No effect? Then you can also go for oil. Lamp oil or tea tree oil seem to kill fungi. Also a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar , that you leave on your nail overnight, can prevent fungal nails.

Tip from a reader:Daily dab with iodine (betadine ointment)

3. The drugstore

Does the doctor's antibiotics sound too intense to you, and grandma's remedies do not work? Or would you rather go to the drugstore for advice? No problem, if you are going to treat a fungal nail, you can also do it here, because there are countless products available for treating a fungal nail.

Don't you just go for healthy , but especially for beautiful? Then you can Nailner Color to attempt. Nailner Color Treat &Mask contains a bottle of serum that works against the fungal infection of a fungal nail. You also get a special bottle of breathable nail polish. In nude color, so that the discolorations on your nails are no longer visible. This way, your nails will certainly look beautiful during recovery. Bring on that summer!

You shouldn't just paint fungal nails!

One more piece of advice. Don't feel like parading your fungal nail on the beach, so you just smear it with a nice nail polish? That's understandable, but not smart. The nail polish closes off your fungal nail, which only makes complaints worse. If you still want to paint, go for special air-permeable nail polish such as Nailner's, otherwise you'll be further away from home before you know it.

Patience is a virtue

Perhaps the most important tip when treating a fungal nail:be patient. Whatever product you use, it will always take a few months before your fungal nail is gone. Even if you go for the doctor's cure! Although you may feel that it will take even longer if you don't have wine.

Do you suffer from a fungal nail and do you know any tips to improve the treatment of a fungal nail? Let us know, we'll be happy to add the tips that work for you! Who knows, maybe it will help someone else too!