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Botox and fillers, Anne does the test and tells how it goes

“Which of you bloggers would be open to trying fillers?” I was one of the first (and in retrospect the only one) to raise my finger. That was me! Of course, why not? Perhaps it is my generation that is open to such treatments, because I am aware that many people are also negative about it. Still, you read and see it more and more. Botox and fillers are on the rise and are also used by young people. Others, especially the older generation, thought I was crazy. But that didn't stop this madman . What was it like and if I look younger? Read along!

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Table of contents

Why I said yes to botox and fillers?

Do you also wonder:why would you? Did I think I needed botox and fillers? No, I didn't think so myself. But curious I am! Sure, I'm 28 and you're slowly seeing the first signs of aging. Wrinkles in the forehead, deeper 'grooves' along my mouth, crow's feet next to my eyes. Not disturbing or ugly, after all, it is part of getting older and I also find many older people beautiful. But what if you can disguise those first signs and thus keep a fresher look? In my case I was open to that, so I made an appointment at Clinic for Beauty.

Clinic for Beauty

Clinic for Beauty has three different locations in the Netherlands, of which my appointment took place in Apeldoorn. I was kindly received by Yvette Burgers, owner of Clinic for Beauty (and she looks so good!). Yvette set up Clinic for Beauty because she believes that botox and filler treatments are often so expensive. Because of her way of purchasing, she can offer treatments affordable. We chatted for a while over a cup of tea. You quickly feel at ease and there is a homely cozy atmosphere.

Yes, the Lady of the House, Yvette, also had some things done, how could it be otherwise. But really not that it looks fake or pulled tight, quite the contrary. So no bad advertising. I became more and more interested in it, although I didn't quite know what I would have done yet. Stupid right? Left completely blank, bring it on I thought! Do you see yourself doing that too? Or would you think a little more deeply about it beforehand? If you're considering botox and fillers at all, of course. And otherwise you can also do a nice nourishing anti-wrinkle cream. Doesn't have the same result, but it's a start.

Botox and fillers:what shall we do?

I must have looked at myself in the mirror and frowned several times in the past week. Things that I don't like about my face are the wrinkles in my forehead, which are clearly present, and the 'grooves' along my mouth, I wanted to know the best about that.

My turn! Mrs. Isabella Savic calls me into the treatment room. Isabella is a doctor who specializes in Cosmetic Medicine and Anti Aging, and has gone through a long process of education and training. She is super friendly and willing to answer all my questions calmly. She really knows what she's talking about and not a moment of doubt crosses my mind (by the way, every doctor at Clinic for Beauty is BIG qualified). And I could use that, given my slight lack of preparation 😉 . Do you know what botox and fillers mean, and where they can all be used? I do now!

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First of all, some more information for you about botox and fillers.

What is botox

Botox is officially a brand name that has become so popular that not many people know what it actually stands for. Botox is an abbreviation for the substance botullin toxin – no wonder we prefer to use the abbreviation. Botullin toxin is a substance that occurs in nature and has the ability to influence muscles. It reduces the signal transmission from nerves to muscles, causing the muscles to relax and then remain in a relaxed state. Many problems surrounding beauty and some of the signs of aging are caused by these muscles that are tightened too much.

Many people start to notice around their thirties that the skin starts to become less supple, smooth and soft. From that moment on, the skin gradually loses its youthfulness. At the same time, there are other factors that cause the muscles in the face to become less flexible, so that they are tightened. The skin above it then does the same, creating wrinkles.

How does it work?

With an injectable treatment with Botox, a thin needle is inserted into the area where the muscle tension has risen too much. The substance is injected into exactly the right place in a small dose. Problem muscles relax and the skin also relaxes. You will achieve the optimum effect after about ten days.

What are fillers

Fillers are a specialization for Clinic for Beauty and are on the rise. They are seen as an accessible, effective and fast way to combat the signs of aging. Fillers can be used for various purposes. Think of wrinkle formation, but also drooping eyelids, bags under the eyes, hamster cheeks and, for example, a double chin. Droopy eyelids can be lifted by applying a filler under the drooping part, but a crooked or bumpy bridge of the nose can also be camouflaged by emphasizing the adjacent tissues. The result of fillers is immediately visible and looks super natural. They contain hyaluronic acid (the body's own) which gives back the suppleness that the skin has lost.

Read also :Eyelash lifting, how does it work and what is the result?

Let's do this, practice!

Okay, enough theory, back to practice. That of Clinic for Beauty that is. Now that I have received all the information about botox and fillers, I am ready. Isabella listens carefully to my wishes. For example, I don't want to be fake and keep my facial expressions, I have to be able to smile and frown and then some wrinkles should remain visible. But please a few   less 😉 . I decide to go for botox and fillers.

With a pencil the doctor puts dots where she wants to inject, where I have to laugh and look serious and she probably sees exactly what needs to be done. The pricks are so small, you can hardly feel them. They are a bit more annoying around my mouth than in my forehead, but that also disappeared immediately. You can see fillers almost immediately, I also immediately feel that it is 'filled' around my mouth. You do see some red dots, but they should be gone by tomorrow. I don't feel or see much of the botox in my forehead. This will change around 10 to 14 days.

The result of botox and fillers

So what do you think? No one really notices that I have botox and fillers! Which I personally think is a big plus, because I really did it for myself. For me it means that I have not started to look fake. By the way, you don't get that fake after 1 or 2 times anyway, that involves multiple treatments.

The fillers are beautiful! The next morning I saw an immediate difference. The 'grooves' are less deep, you can still see them when I smile and the like, but my face at rest is much flatter and therefore looks calmer and fresh. I still have to get used to the feeling when I pull up the corners of my mouth, because I now feel that more because it is filled in.

I started to feel and see the botox after about a week! That feeling is also a matter of getting used to, because when I raise my eyebrows you only see some wrinkles above my eyebrows, but you really feel that those middle muscles no longer move. The wrinkles in the middle of my forehead are all gone. I am very happy with that too! No one will notice it, but for me an obvious difference   (maybe you can see it now in the before and after photos).

Do it more often?

I have asked myself several times whether I will do botox and fillers more often. Beforehand I said no, because I just like aging in a natural way and so I thought I would only do this because the opportunity was there and I was just really open to it.

Now that I've undergone it and see such a nice result, I think it's a case of doubt. I compare it to getting a tattoo, you start with one, think it's so beautiful and that lowers the threshold for the next one. I think the same applies with botox and fillers. But unlike with a tattoo, treatments with botox and fillers are painless. And of course you can make it as crazy as you want. However far you go, you will really look a bit 'fresher/younger/smoother', so it doesn't have to be that expensive.

By the way, I'm not the only one who is already young! I hear more and more sounds about this from people in their twenties.

Something for you?

Are you also interested in botox and fillers? For more information about such cosmetic procedures, I would like to refer you to Yvette Burgers from Clinic for Beauty, where I also had my treatment. I can honestly tell you that there is a nice and familiar atmosphere there and they work professionally and neatly.