Today I explain why hair turns green in swimming pool ...
...and also what you can do to remove the green in your hair.
Because hair that turns green... it's anything but glamorous!
Do not panic, there is a simple and effective solution that I have used several times on my hair and that of my children.
The hair becomes instantly blond again and all this naturally.
Let's first see how to remove green hair because of the swimming pool...
...and then why hair turns green from chlorine. Watch:
- 1 fresh lemon juice
- 1/2 cup baking soda
- 1 bowl
1. Put the baking soda in the bowl
2. Squeeze the lemon.
3. Pour its juice into the bowl.
4. Mix.
5. Wet your hair well.
6. Apply your paste to your hair, especially on the lengths.
7. Leave on for 10 min.
8. Rinse thoroughly.
There you go, now you know how to remove green highlights in hair :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No need to buy a detox shampoo to avoid green hair!
Your homemade treatment is much more economical and completely natural.
You can swim in the pool without worrying about your hair fading green.
That's reassuring, isn't it?
You will keep your beautiful blonde locks all summer long!
To counteract the effects of chlorine, you need an acidic solution.
And as we know, lemon is a concentrate of acidity.
The acidity of lemon thus helps to neutralize the green reflections caused by chlorine.
The combination of baking soda and lemon will also generate an effervescence.
It is this effervescence that will help to disgorge the green highlights to find beautiful blonde highlights.
Hair turns green due to chemicals in chlorine.
They act mainly on blond hair, since these have no pigments.
Same principle for blonde highlights or artificial blondes.
Chlorine therefore acts directly on the hair.
Copper sulphate is also responsible for this discoloration.
It is a product that is sometimes used to eliminate algae in swimming pools.
You should know that highlighted blond hair is more likely to turn green.
But natural or bleached blond hair is not spared either! Male or female, the treatment is the same.
Even brown, brown or red hair can be affected, although it is less common.
Be aware that in addition to the lemon + baking soda remedy, you can also use lemon and aspirin.
Just mix the juice of a lemon with a tube of effervescent aspirin.
Massage the hair for 10 min with this mixture and rinse.
The principle is the same as with lemon and baking soda.
It is the acidity and the effervescent effect that achieve good results.
Since you need acidity to regain your normal color, consider apple cider vinegar as well. Just rinse your hair with it.
It is an effective remedy for green hair. And what's more, it makes your hair shine!