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The Body Shop goes Banana with shampoo and conditioner!

We now know that bananas are healthy. We used to be 'overwhelmed' with warnings that bananas make you fat, nowadays we are a bit milder for this fruit. And I'm happy about that! I like banana <3 . You too? Then try The Body Shop Banana shampoo, The Body Shop Banana conditioner or the hair mask from this product line. And even better… all three! I was allowed to take them with me the last time I was at the PR office. And of course I tried them. As a true banana lover, I'll tell you what I think.

Table of contents

The Body Shop Banana review

It may sound a bit strange to smear banana in your hair. But this isn't that weird at all. If you know how healthy bananas are, you can suddenly imagine much better that this might also be good for your hair. The Body Shop Banana line is in any case intended for normal to dry hair.

Banana healthy

Bananas contain (quite a lot) potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamin C and folic acid. The mineral potassium plays an important role in transmitting stimuli in the nervous system. But in addition, potassium also ensures a good fluid balance!

And the latter comes in very handy. Not just with me, but with many other women who are currently following the trend of colorful and platinum blonde locks. Or that beautiful gray which I also find so cool! Because even if you go to another good hairdresser… your hair will become a bit drier and therefore deserves the best care. With bananas!

The Body shop Banana shampoo

The shampoo is enriched with banana puree from the organic Community Trade from Ecuador, is 100% vegetarian and contains no silicones. This shampoo does contain some Benzyl Alcohol, which is roughly in the middle of the ingredient list. Not in abundance (otherwise it would be mentioned earlier in the ingredients list), but important to keep an eye on. That this ingredient is added is not surprising in itself, it extends the shelf life of The Body Shop Banana shampoo, among other things.

If you want to know more about alcohol in skin care products, read this blog, it will help you on your way! In any case, the smell of this shampoo is fantastic. A lovely subtle banana scent. And you only need a little bit to make it foam.

If you have very sensitive skin, you might want to watch out for the ingredient Sodium Laureth Sulfate, which is well represented in the ingredients list of this Banana shampoo. This ingredient is used to foam a product. Because well… who wants a shampoo or shower foam that does not foam…

Tip:You can also find this ingredient in many hair and skin products. A good rule of thumb that you can follow to test whether a product with this ingredient is too strong for you:if your skin feels tight after washing, then the product is too intense for you.

I love The Body Shop Banana shampoo, this product is an excellent match for me. If you are in doubt… try the small packaging of this product first. You already have 60 ml for € 3.00, so that's a great way to try it out.

The Body Shop Banana conditioner

I did not receive this myself and therefore I was unable to test it for you. I expect the smell to be similar to that of the shampoo, but I don't know for sure 😉 . The reviews on the site of The Body Shop itself are mixed. One is really enthusiastic about it and the other indicates not to notice much.

The Cetearyl Alcohol that is in the conditioner is in any case a type of alcohol that retains moisture in your skin and hair. In this case, the fact that this has been added is completely fine!

The Body Shop Banana hair mask

And then my favorite <3 , the hair mask from The Body Shop Banana line. The scent alone makes me very happy. Subtle, but really bananas. Processed into a thick creamy substance, mmm.

You will also find organic banana puree from Ecuador in this hair mask, which is supplemented with Brazil nut oil from Peru. This hair mask with no added silicones or mineral oils is completely vegan, which I wrote about recently with the research into safe lip balm.

My curls want to fluff quite a bit and I notice that by using this hair mask that it really gets less. In addition, it shines beautifully after use. Once a week I try to schedule a moment for myself to spoil my hair with this delicious mask.

You will find some Isopropyl Alcohol at the bottom of the list of ingredients, but fortunately not strongly represented. In any case, the glycerine present is nice and moisturizing, so that's a big plus!