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5 tips to make your nails stronger with products you already have at home

Long nails and long hair:I've been dreaming about it since I was a little girl. Which woman doesn't? But my nails are beautiful about 4 days a month on average. Then they tear in one by one. Do you know that? Now fake nails are not my thing, but I would like to keep those long nails a little longer. So time for thorough research. Making your nails stronger turns out to be less complicated than I thought. Making your nails stronger turns out to be just an option. And bet that you already have the majority of what you use to take care of your nails at home? Do you suffer from discolored nails? Then we have a tip for that too!

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Making nails stronger for the wanna be beauty queen

This is not an article for those women who always have perfect nails. I only have one question for those women:how? Everyday life just isn't nail-proof for me. And I'm not even a nail biter. Always when my nails are at their peak (long, nice shape, and tight in the polish) one of them breaks. And as soon as there is a nail over the dam, more are guaranteed to follow. grrr. At a certain point, the inequality in nail length drives me crazy, and I start to pick at every stroke. The beginning of the end.

I admit it:I'm really not a beauty queen. But well-groomed nails and hands are important to me. Fortunately, you can make your nails stronger. I will therefore keep the tips below in mind. Naturally beautiful nails? You get that with these home, garden and kitchen remedies.

Making nails stronger:5 tips

The more you work with your hands, the faster you break a nail. Which wouldn't be so frustrating if those bitches grew a little faster. But unfortunately. It is best to make (and keep) your nails stronger with the right care! It doesn't take that much. A handful of 'tools', and some old-fashioned tricks of course.

1. The file!

I know, it's a small effort. And yet all too often I turn my back on it. Just file the nails. Do not underestimate the value of this:regular filing will make your nails stronger. And you immediately remove those annoying touches that you would otherwise sit on. So especially a lot of files, ladies. Until those nails weigh an ounce.

Note:Please do not use nail scissors or flashers. This disrupts the layers of your nail, causing them to tear and break faster.

Note:Another warning. You do not file the file itself back and forth, but always from the outside of your nail to the center of it. In this way you also ensure that those nail layers do not come apart. To make sure that they remain closed, file once briefly vertically from top to bottom. With this you 'close' the layers.

psssttt.. .. a glass nail file is also much better for your nails! The above glass file from Trind is very well regarded.

2. Be careful when painting your nails

You can of course also make your nails stronger with a bottle. That also works. But make sure you paint in moderation. Give your nails time to recover after every paint job (and cleaning). It is therefore best not to repaint immediately. Even if it's not about nail polish, but nail hardener.

Still completely addicted to painted nails? Then go for nail polish that is not harmful is for your nails. Does your mini-me also love to paint? Then you can try water-based nail polish together. Suitable for mother and child.

3. Olive oil for a nail bath

Every person needs food and moisture. But so are your nails! If you want to make your nails stronger, there is a simple solution. The product is probably already in your kitchen cupboard for this. A weekly bath of olive oil is a great way to hydrate and strengthen your nails. And it will also make your cuticles shine. After the nail bath, you can immediately rub the rest of your hands with the leftovers. Can they take it again?

4. A nail mask to make your nails stronger

Are you afraid that your nails cannot be saved with olive oil alone? Is it time for an ultimate pampering moment? Then make a nail mask † This is what you need:

  • A teaspoon of papaya
  • an egg yolk
  • Lemon
  • Milk

Mix the papaya, egg yolk, a little of the lemon and 5 tablespoons of milk in a bowl. Stir the mixture well until everything is combined. Do you have a nice porridge? Then your nails can take a nice bath for 10 minutes. For best results you should repeat this bath twice a week.

5. Protect your nails

Not using your nails is of course the best option to save them. But unfortunately; the household does not wait. Just like many other things where your hands and nails are used intensively. So the last tip is:protect your nails. Intensive work in the garden, but also cleaning agents damage your hands and nails. Use gloves Even if it's only when you're going to do the dishes. Because prevention is better than cure, even when it comes to your nails.

Have you exposed your nails to too much junk? And do you secretly do that often? Then garlic the antibacterial remedy for your nails. Simply massage them with a fresh clove and your nails will be protected from fungi and toxins. Don't forget the cuticles! You have to think about that smell for a while.

Discolored nails

Sometimes nails are discolored. Discolored nails look dull, and sometimes a bit yellowish. Unfortunately! But we dug up one of grandmother's tips for that too. Soak your discolored nails in a bath of white vinegar for about 5 minutes. Make sure there is no wound on your finger, because that can of course start to sting. But your nails will get their natural color back!

Do you have any tips to make your nails stronger that we don't have here? Be sure to let us know!