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This is how you make fragile nails stronger

This is how you make fragile nails stronger

Do you have fragile nails? Taking good care of your nails can make them stronger. Here are five ways to make sure your nails don't break so easily.

1. Be careful if your nails have been wet

Wet nails are a lot more fragile. Therefore, be careful with your nails if they have been wet. It is better to file your nails short than to cut them.

Read also: Why do your nails become soft and brittle in water?

2. Don't paint your nails for a while

Give your nails a break from all the chemicals in nail polish.

3. Avoid products with alcohol

Alcohol makes your nails more brittle. Therefore, try to avoid products with alcohol such as cleaning agent, disinfecting hand gel and nail polish remover with acetone as much as possible. Rather use a nourishing hand soap and wear gloves when cleaning.

4. Take care of your hands and cuticles

Use hand cream to keep your hands soft. Don't forget to moisturize your cuticles. There are special products that counteract dry skins.

5. Do not use your nails as tools

It's tempting to use your fingernails to scrape or stab things, but it's not very good for your nails. So next time, just grab a pair of scissors or a screwdriver.

Remember nails grow slowly

If your nails are badly damaged, it takes time to see results. A nail is completely renewed in about half a year, depending on how fast your nails grow.

Fragile-nails can be in your genes

Does your mother have very weak and brittle nails? Then there is a greater chance that you also suffer from it. By being kind to your nails, you can ensure that they break less quickly, but they will probably always remain weak.

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