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Looking older, should I accept that or should I have something done about it?

You're getting older, Mom! And you get lines on your face. This is what my 5 year old daughter said to me this week. And yes it is the hard truth. We were looking at pictures from the year before and my daughter indicated that she thought I looked older. Mmmm, that's very confronting. Of course I saw it myself, in fact last week I went to a friend who works at a well-known beauty concern. I wanted to get some advice as the circles under my eyes were getting darker and I wanted to do something about this. After buying a package full of make-up, I went home in good spirits. So that good cheer did not last long. Keep me up to date, I would like to grow old, I just don't need to look older yet.

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Looking older, what can you do with that?

Now 36 years old and until at least last year blessed with a young appearance. Last year during the Guus Meeuwis concert I even had to identify myself to be able to get a drink 😉 . Also at the liquor store if I wanted to get a bottle of wine. It was so bad that at least 10 years ago I could still enter the swimming pool on a youth ticket (read; youth tickets are up to the age of 16).

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My height doesn't help much either. I sometimes hated it when I was 19-year-old at a disco and I had to identify myself while my 15-year-old girl next door was allowed to walk on like that. I was warned at the time:"enjoy being estimated younger, while you still can". I even said this myself last week during a concert of the Toppers to another girl. “Before you know it, it's over and your daughter even says you're getting lines on your face.”

Just accept or do something about it?

And if I look at the kind of photos like the photo above, you will probably understand what I mean. Looking older is not necessary, but it still seems to be a taboo. So I think this is a tricky point. Should I look older but just accept it? Or can I look beyond just getting older and explore the possibilities?

For example, I notice that my reflection in the mirror makes me grumpy and that - after a while - I fall back on the thick layers of make-up to disguise it somewhat. In fact, yesterday I entered the search term 'fillers' into Google. To find out to my shock that these jokes cost quite a bit and you have to do this again after a year and a half, so not an option either.

Read also: Utsukusy Telomerasa, for older skin

Response hubby

My hubby's response was also not what I had hoped. He thought to respond sweetly by saying "well girl, if you want that you have to go for it". While I actually wanted to hear:“No, girl, you don't need that at all” 😉 .

Who else is 'afflicted' by this?

So I would like to know if there are more moms with the same experience? And if so, what did you do with it? Is it indeed a matter of accepting that you look older and continuing to apply makeup? Or are there moms who dare to admit that they have taken fillers and what are your experiences?

I know, it's obviously far from life threatening, shocking and not a health issue either. I certainly don't want to offend anyone, it's just something that has been on my mind for a while and I would love to hear how other mothers are doing.

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