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3 reasons why running isn't good for you

A while ago I read an article about running and its myths. One of the points raised was that running makes your face look older. Unfortunately, this is true, running gives you wrinkles! There are several reasons for this 'aging', which I have listed below for you. But besides that you get wrinkles from running, it is also the case that your breasts start to sag. And do you think you can work your belly off with running? I do not think so! 3 reasons why running is not good for you!

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Why is running not good for you?

This is a bit crude. Running isn't necessarily bad for you, but it can be a problem cause. Are you injury prone? Then running is probably not really your sport. But the 3 reasons why it is better not to run, you will find them below.

Running gives you wrinkles

The up-and-down motion and mechanical effort can stretch the supporting tissues under the skin. In addition, as a runner you come into contact with weather influences that have an effect on your face and the low fat percentage of long endurance runners ensures that the face looks older anyway. If you don't pay attention, you will get wrinkles faster from running.

Read also: Healthy weight loss, a combination of lifestyle and sports

It is therefore a fact that the weather influences and the sun (even if it shines behind the clouds) have a very large share in accelerated skin aging. But luckily you can arm yourself well against this. A day cream with at least SPF30 or a loose sunscreen with a high factor on your face half an hour before you go for a run provides good protection.

Running makes your breasts sag

Besides the fact that you get wrinkles because the collagen is stretched, it is also the case that your breasts sag from running. Did you know?

The chest is not a muscle and has hardly any support of its own. Exercising (including running) without supporting your breasts can be painful and it is not good for the shape of your breasts. Due to the great pressure, the skin can stretch, causing the breasts to droop.

A good sports bra is therefore important. A good sports bra has a tight fit and is shaped in such a way that wearing it absorbs no less than three quarters of the pressure. Not sure if the sports bra you're wearing (or have in mind) is the right one? Then make sure you seek advice from a professional.

Read also: almost half of the women do not exercise

Running doesn't make your tummy less

Research has shown that your body produces Cortisol during long runs (more than an hour). Cortisol is the stress hormone, which not only causes accelerated skin aging, but also ensures more storage of (belly) fat! Another reason running isn't good. Read this guest blog by Jesse van der Velde on De Hormone Factor. Now I immediately understand why I can't lose that swimming ring!

Why run anyway?

What could be nicer than putting on your sneakers after a busy day and running away from all your worries? Or start your day fresh and in peace with a jog through the park? I like it (with times) , provided the weather is right. But the idea that gravity also does its job during your run does give me some stress jitters. Because who wants to look 'older' just to be fit, slim and energetic?!

I myself just keep running every now and then, even though I now know that running is not so good for me. I just don't do it at the level I was doing before. This is also due to the injuries that occur to me when I run more than 10 kilometers at a time. That's why I walk in moderation, without pain.

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