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It's completely bald, isn't it? Get Hairy February is the statement; hair removal is out.

For those who missed it all… we have a new trend. Anyone who has completely got rid of hair in the pubic area will have to scratch themselves behind her ears, because the trend is HER! Hair in the pubic area, hair under the armpits, hair on the legs, it's all possible. We mean by women. In fact… if you want to be even slightly hip and trendy, you join in and let your hair grow. Hair removal is out, not done. Get Hairy February is the female counterpart of Movember and has a deeper meaning as well. In Movember, by the way, men grow their mustaches.

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Get Hairy February, stop hair removal

The movement to motivate women to grow their body hair is twofold.

Awareness of abuse and violence against women

Get Hairy February is meant to create awareness for abused women and violence against women. In addition to creating awareness, a next goal is to raise money for women who have had to deal with this.

Resisting the Western ideal of beauty

The second goal of Get Hairy February is to counter the Western ideal of beauty. Having smooth skin is often seen as beautiful and hygienic. About 95% of women allow themselves to be influenced by this image of beauty and shave or remove hair, with a sense of obligation. It was 'in the past' only the armpits and legs, nowadays it is also 'normal' to shave your pubic area completely bald. I wrote an article about that before, because I just can't get used to that bald cat. Below you can read what I think about it, among other things.

Read also: pubic hair and armpit hair, how far will you go?

Besides the fact that I can't get used to it, it also turns out that the pubic area needs that hair for hygiene. That is clearly different from what we are being beaten about. The pubic hair protects you better against STDs, for example, and hair removal or shaving makes your pubic area more susceptible to infections.

Where does the ideal of beauty come from?

Once upon a time… a big company started an advertising campaign in 1915 (!) in which it made it clear to us that hair on a woman's legs and armpits is ugly and disgusting. And that's where all the trouble started 😉 .

Read also: shave legs? 6 tips for even smoother legs

Today, we've come to the point where even 10-year-old girls are already shaving themselves. Because they are ashamed of the natural hair growth on their bodies. How bad can this be? To be honest, I can't remember exactly how old I was when I started deforesting my body. But that I was older than 10, I'm convinced. It seems that this beauty image is going to take extreme forms. And that is exactly what the Get Hairy February movement wants to oppose.

RTL Late Night

Yesterday there was a lot to do at Humberto. Goedele Liekens explained what the movement has in mind and also endorsed the extreme behavior of adolescents with regard to hair. Or just about the lack of hair. Today's adolescents know nothing but that bare box. Because girls get rid of all their body hair so early, there is no boy between the ages of 12-18 who has ever seen a girl with hair – on any part of the body. Unless his mother is a Mad Mina who opposes everything.

It also appears from Goedele's story that she somewhat appeals to the porn industry for the bald cats of today. There, all the body hair in the pubic area of ​​the woman has been removed for ages and that is only a 'known' image.

Famous women with hair in the spotlight

Fortunately, there are well-known (national and international) female stars who are taking the lead in this trend. Ladies such as Georgina Verbaan, Grace Jones, Miley Cyrus, Julia Roberts, Madonna and Lady Gaga have all let their armpit hair grow.

Georgina (unfortunately I couldn't find a picture of that) even indicated that she actually finds it horny, women who leave their armpit hair. “They are confident women who don't care what anyone else has to say about it and that's attractive and exciting.” She herself turned out to have quite a bit of trouble growing 'moist brushes' during her armpit hair experiment. In any case, the ladies below have less trouble with that.

Countermovement; hair removal is over

The counter-movement to let all your body hair grow is perhaps a bright spot for many women in this time of constantly living up to the ideal. Although I must admit that I am not really charmed by a tuft of hair under your armpit. But that too is a matter of getting used to .

The question that comes to my mind is the following. Is Get Hairy February necessarily chosen because in February most ladies don't go through life with short sleeves or bare legs? Because everything is still 'neatly' packed behind trousers and thick sweaters or at least shirts with long sleeves? Or is it because it has such a nice mouth?

The call presents a challenge:do not shave yourself or remove hair in any other way for a month. No legs, armpits and pubic area of ​​hair for a month that sounds tempting natural. But which woman has 'the guts' to keep this up like a true Mad Mina even after the month of February? Not me.

Feeling of freedom by not removing hair

But I can't imagine that a little fuzz under my armpit gives me a feeling of freedom. In fact, I think quite the opposite. That I feel limited in my freedom of movement because I'm afraid that others will see that tuft of hair and judge it. Or that I'm afraid I'll smell myself more. Doesn't sound fresh either?

So you see, I'm already completely indoctrinated by today's society when it comes to hair removal. I shave to make sure I don't have stubble under my armpits. And when my legs feel like sandpaper, I realize that that's the best remedy 'against' a night of sex. It works even better than faking a headache! Because who wants to make love with sandpaper? Nobody, right?

How are you in this? I'm really curious how much acclaim Get Hairy February gets! If it were up to me, this whole countermovement is going to be hugely popular. If only to make sure that my girl doesn't feel as obliged to get rid of all her hair as my generation does now. And that she feels good the way she is. Whether or not she wants to wax. What you?

Want to know more about this whole phenomenon? Here you will find the website and their Facebook page.

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