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Hair:to find out if it is damaged, take the test!

Whoever has never fantasized about the perfect hair of Blake Lively, Penelope Cruz or Olivia Wilde raises your hand. Beautiful hair is a fairly common obsession (there are more than 3.8 million answers on Google), whether you have fine, frizzy, red, gray, short, long, colored or natural hair. And we must admit that with all that we put them through, it is not always easy to preserve them. Indeed, repeated brushings, colorings and UV exposure weaken them. To find out if you have to work extra hard on the skincare side, here is a little easy test to do, revealed by the Pure Wow site.

The water test

All you need is a glass of water and a lock of hair (nothing complicated, we told you!). Fill the glass ¾ full and place the wick in the water. If it floats, bingo! Our hair is healthy. On the other hand, if it sinks, it is because unfortunately, they are rather weakened. The explanation? It's a matter of hair porosity. The cuticle, which surrounds the hair fiber and protects it, is weakened and lets water through, which explains why the wick does not float. Good to know:when the cuticle is weakened, the color tends to fade faster and the hair to frizz.

What to do with damaged hair?

Let it be said:it is impossible to magically repair really damaged hair. If they really look like straw and are uncombable, the only solution is to cut them. On the other hand, if they are "just" weakened, we redouble our attention:treatment with each wash (conditioner or mask), oil bath once a week, leave-in treatments to be applied to the lengths and ends. , air-drying as soon as possible, thermo-active treatments to protect the hair before drying or straightening, UV protection... In short, we pamper them!