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Hair growth formula gummies; sweets for healthier hair!

I have been taking the Hair growth formula gummies for a month and a half to see what that does for my hair. And of course I would like to tell you more about that. The reason I'm testing the gummies is because I'm not happy with my hair. I still suffer from excessive hair loss. By now I'm a bit afraid of what it will be like in ten years or so if I don't do anything about it now. Now maybe I just shouldn't worry so much about it, but it's not that simple. The saying "as long as your hair is good" applies to me a bit. It really affects my mood.

Through Facebook I came across a message from Hairlust (a Danish hair care brand) that triggered me. Looking at the amount of positive reviews they have, I became even more curious and that's why I now take their gummies.

Hair growth formula gummies; what is it and what does it promise?

First of all, in this review I will briefly discuss what the Hair growth formula gummies are and what they promise to do. Let me start at the beginning. The appearance. The Hair growth formula gummies look like delicious candies. And actually they are, but without sugar in it. Look at them, they look just like those yogurt candies! I also find it weirdly delicious. Fortunately, these Hair growth formula gummies are not only tasty, but also meaningful 'candies'.

Take hair-vitamins for healthier hair

The gummies with Hair growth formula are really just little vitamin bombs. Great, because it is now clear to me that you only get healthier hair if you take care of your hair inside and out. As described, I take 3 gummies a day with a glass of water so that I can take full advantage of these nutritional supplements. Of course, this is an addition to a healthy and varied way of eating and not a replacement, as with all nutritional supplements. I also try to eat healthy of course, but we all know that this is sometimes easier said than done.

To give my hair extra support, make it stronger and healthier and to reduce my hair loss, extra vitamins can in any case not hurt. I'm convinced of that. As you can see on the ingredient list, the Hair growth formula gummies are full of vitamins and minerals. I'll go through the most important ones with you:

  1. Biotin:perhaps the most well-known vitamin when you are talking about brittle hair, brittle nails and possibly hair loss. As you can see above, the amount of biotin is highly concentrated in these gummies. Positive for your hair, but also for your nails and healthy skin.
  2. Vitamin A:this vitamin is important for the growth of new cells. You can imagine that new cells are important for hair growth and hair repair, so vitamin A is indispensable. With vitamin A, it is also important that you keep an eye on that you do not get too much of it. These gummies provide the right daily amount.
  3. Vitamin B:all the different vitamin B variants that are available are also important for healthy cell growth and therefore for healthy hair growth. Are you always overtired? Have your vitamin B level checked! Dry, lifeless and brittle hair, for example, is a result of vitamin B3 deficiency.
  4. Vitamin C:This vitamin helps to create collagen. Collagen is also important for your hair (and of course your skin). In general, vitamin C is a vitamin that you get with enough fruits and vegetables, but a little extra is not a problem.
  5. Zinc:important for the production of proteins and cell division and therefore also important for your hair, which consists largely of proteins.
  6. Vitamin D:The role this vitamin plays for your hair growth is not fully known, but it has been linked to hair loss.
  7. Vitamin E:Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects hair follicles from free radicals and can also act as a hair vitamin to stimulate hair growth.

Review:what do the Hair growth formula gummies do for me?

I have been working on these gummies of the Hair growth formula for a month and a half now. Within this period I have the idea that the hair loss is already starting to decrease. I don't brush my hair every day, but if I wash my hair with shampoo or cowash (on average about twice a week) and I comb it through, it seems that less hair comes out than I'm used to. A positive effect and I am very curious how my hair will be in a month and a half.

On average, you have to take hair vitamins for about three months to see results. The latter is not so strange of course, because your body has to get a kind of build-up of the vitamins inside before this can also be seen in the condition of your hair. If you want to try it yourself, realize that trying one jar of gummies doesn't make much sense. You have to give your body and hair at least three months to recover before you can really make a judgment. Be sure to read the other reviews on Trustpilot.

In about a month and a half, I would like to supplement this review with my additions so far 😉 . At least for now I have good hopes for a healthier forest with her. If I am still satisfied in three months, I will also have a look at what their other products can do for my hair.

Hint: to make sure I don't forget to take the hair vitamins, I have the jar of Hair growth formula gummies on my desk. I also take all three at the same time instead of spread over the day. That way I have less chance of forgetting them.