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Not washing my hair for a week #3

Not washing my hair for a week #3

Web editor Shirley accepts the challenge and participates in one of Santé's challenges:she does not wash her hair for a week.

Shirley: This is normally the time when I would really wash my hair. Instead of washing my hair, I only rinse it thoroughly with warm water at night. I am curious how my hair will dry and what my hair will look like tomorrow.

Stay tuned
From tomorrow the challenge will be difficult, I suspect. Have you ever had a shampoo-free week, or haven't used shampoo in years? Share your tips to keep it going on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Are you participating in one of the other challenges from Santé? We like to hear that too. Use the hashtag #santechallenge in your posts.

Read also
> Not washing my hair for a week #1
> Not washing my hair for a week #2