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Not washing my hair for a week #5

Not washing my hair for a week #5

Web editor Shirley accepts the challenge and participates in one of Santé's challenges:she does not wash her hair for a week. How is she doing?

Shirley: After exercising, I rinsed my hair with water. I think it still looks decent. Honestly, I think my hair looks a lot better in today's photo than in day 1 photo. My hair always looks better if I wasn't for a day, but who would have thought that this effect would still be after 5 days persevere?

It just doesn't sit well
But how it feels… I try to run my hand through my hair as little as possible. Pretty tricky, because that's really my tic. I don't want to spread that greasy feeling further through my hair. It's probably between my ears, but my hair also seems to feel a pound heavier than usual and it just doesn't sit well on my head. Am I the only one who sometimes has that feeling?

Not washing my hair for a week #5 I can't make it more beautiful than it is
I have to disappoint you. I stopped the challenge early, but I started with good intentions. For real. It was wonderful to wash my hair with shampoo again. I used less shampoo than before the challenge, apparently I learned something from this challenge. Stopping shampoo cold turkey turned out not to be my thing, who knows, slowly tapering off will make me better off. Or maybe I'll give it another try if I ever don't have to leave the house for a month…

Can you keep up your challenge longer than me?
Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Use #santechallenge.

Read also
> Not washing my hair for a week #1
> Not washing my hair for a week #2
> Not washing my hair for a week #3
> Not washing my hair for a week #4