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Cellulite is the most normal thing in the world. About 90 percent of women get it.

Read also: The difference between cellulite and cellulite

While it's common, few women will be truly proud of their dimples. Kenzie Brenna is a Canadian actress and writer and she calls herself a body activist. She introduced the hashtag #CelluliteSaturday to show that cellulite is normal. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Love your body Kenzie herself has come a long way when it comes to accepting and loving her own body. She tried the craziest cellulite remedies until she wondered what she was doing.

Share the love Kenzie now accepts her body as it is and tries to inspire other women to do the same through her Instagram account. More and more women are sharing their photos via Kenzie's hashtag #CelluliteSaturday.