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Solutions finally found to eliminate cellulite?

Cellulite, this deposit of fat that lodges in the thighs, buttocks or even the belly is a natural and normal thing for all women (nearly 90% have it). But getting rid of it or reducing its appearance is not easy. Very often, the various creams, machines, or miscellaneous that we try, in addition to sports activities, are not enough to erase it. But fortunately, to help us, the health coach Lisa Consiglio Ryan gave her precious advice!

100% natural recipes

On the American site Eat This, Not That! , the health expert has listed 26 totally natural miracle recipes to help overcome, or at least reduce, cellulite. Here are 3 of them:

For the first recipe (for only 242 calories), we need:

– 2 beets (with stems)

– 2 carrots

– ½ peeled lemon

– 1 piece of fresh ginger root

For the preparation, just put everything in the blender! According to Lisa Consiglio Ryan, “This drink delivers a high dose of two of the most powerful nutrients for effectively fighting cellulite:vitamin C and fiber. Vitamin C helps rebuild collagen which helps maintain a somewhat smooth texture. As for the fibers, they help to remove toxins from the body, thus promoting the reduction of fat”.

For the second recipe (200 calories), you will need:

– 1 cucumber

– 2 carrots

– 1 apple

– 3 basil leaves

– ½ peeled lime

As for the previous one, just put the ingredients in the blender for the preparation. The coach explains that the most of this recipe lies in the apple, which can boast of having quercetin, a powerful antioxidant, a slimming fiber and vitamin C, “an anti-cellulite nutrient that we cannot do without”. It is advisable to consume this mixture with oatmeal for breakfast.

For the third recipe (for only 14 calories), we need:

– ½ cup cilantro

– 1 cup of spinach

– 1 tablespoon lemon juice

– 1cm fresh ginger root

– 2 cups of water and ice cubes

Again, the preparation comes down to putting all these ingredients in a blender. “Cilantro promotes detoxification by helping to eliminate heavy metals from the body, which tend to hide in fat cells,” explains Lisa Consiglio Rayan. “By reducing overall toxins in your body, you can help eliminate excess stored fat, which can decrease the appearance of cellulite.”

With all this, we hope that cellulite will be a distant memory!