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Foot:4 anti-blister solutions

Summer is on its way, slowly but surely (yes, yes it's true)... At the first ray of sunshine, we throw ourselves on our new stilettos bought on sale, ready to walk around in them to reveal our perfect legs. Except that we had forgotten this dreadful thing, which comes up with every purchase of shoes:blisters. For all those who are prone here are some tips that make life easier.

Several solutions in different forms

The cream version

The Akilèine NOK cream (about €6, in pharmacies) was designed for serious athletes. It limits the friction of the shoe on the foot during great efforts, for example a marathon. Very moisturizing, this treatment deposits a protective film on the foot, so apply it before putting on your shoes.

The stick version

Sénev, the brand specializing in the beauty of hands and feet, offers an anti-blister stick (€9.90, on the Senev website) rich in shea butter and beeswax, which you can always have in his bag. Like the cream, we use it before putting on the shoes:we pass it on the sensitive area(s) and on which we fear to see blisters appear. We tested it, it's quite amazing:not only does it not hurt, but the effect lasts all day.

The spray version

This is the product that is making the buzz at the moment:the American brand Preheels has released an eponymous anti-blister spray. And the least we can say is that it is a hit. On the same principle as a spray dressing, it is sprayed and dries in 1 min, forming a barrier between the skin and the shoe. According to the first opinions, the results are very satisfactory. Only small downside:its perfume, considered too chemical. And, for the moment, it is only available in the United States, for $16 (in mini version, $20 for the large family format). In France, a similar product exists and it is the Robé brand that markets it, for €6.30.

The "surgery" version

No, there is no magic operation that would prevent blisters from appearing. On the other hand, for those who would be ready to pay the price, there is a radical solution against pain related to the heels:visco-supplementation by injection of hyaluronic acid. Very popular in England and the United States, this technique called “Loub job” (to be able to wear your Louboutins what!) makes it possible to reconstitute thick pads on the forefoot to painlessly absorb the shocks of walking in heels. It requires a complete podiatric examination beforehand by the cosmetic surgeon and a podiatrist. The price is just as radical:€500 for a 15-minute session. But hey, apparently it works and it's painless then...

All you have to do is choose the solution you prefer to go dancing until the end of the night!