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Salicylic acid:effectively fight against acne and blemishes

On the face, the back, the neckline, these uncharacteristic pimples that are acne can become a major problem on a daily basis, especially for women. Excess sebum, dead cells, impurities, hello acne and imperfections! If we think we get rid of pimples after adolescence, acne and blemishes can be stubborn.

Indeed, 40% of women aged 25 to 40 are affected by this unsightly condition, compared to only 10% of men. This is why it is important to take care of your skin on a daily basis. Want to get rid of those pimples that are ruining your face? Dermatologists and bloggers alike swear by salicylic acid for reducing or even eliminating acne in teens and adults. If you want more information about salicylic acid, find out everything there is to know about this active ingredient.

The causes of acne and blemishes

Before proceeding with any treatment, it is always recommended to take the time to understand where this acne and these imperfections come from. In general, the causes of acne are multiple. They differ from person to person. If they are easily detectable in some people , they are extremely difficult to detect in others.

In addition, you should know that black skins are the most affected by skin problems. Studies have revealed that 68% of black skin types suffer from acne. This is explained by the fact that black skin is relatively more fragile than light skin.

The causes of acne in adolescents

In adolescents, the appearance of acne is most often linked to hormonal variations . These are characterized by blackheads, microcysts or even slight lesions on the forehead, nose or even chin.

At the period of adolescence, sex hormones begin to be secreted in numbers. This large quantity of hormones modifies the quantity and composition of sebum. This excess sebum will in turn cause oily skin, the main cause of the appearance of acne.

The causes of acne in adults

In adults, especially in women, hormonal peaks (especially during menstruation or pregnancy) are the cause of acne. The intensity of acne then varies according to the menstrual cycle . To fight against these skin problems, cosmetic products based on salicylic acid are extremely effective in overcoming acne and blemishes.

You should know that certain foods, such as sugar, promote the appearance of pimples. Indeed, the overconsumption of sugar has a negative impact on your skin. The insulin receptors present in the sebaceous glands are very sensitive to sugar intake. Scientists also point the finger at processed products, refined products, pastries and white bread. According to studies, these products stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands .

Other factors are at the origin of the appearance of acne:

  • Pollution;
  • Stress;
  • Tobacco use;
  • Taking certain medications that are too aggressive;
  • The use of unsuitable cosmetics.

Added to this is the sun. The latter is one of the factors that aggravate acne. After days of exposing your skin to the sun, it is quite common that you are victim of a new inflammatory flare-up . The sun may also pigment or brown your acne scars.

Salicylic acid, an effective remedy against acne

Many beauty blogs and forums promote salicylic acid as the star ingredient for fighting acne and blemishes. The proof, you will certainly notice this ingredient on products and treatments for acne-prone skin.

What is salicylic acid?

Salicylic acid is a BHA, i.e. a beta-hydroxy acid . This is a powerful organic compound that is present mainly in willow bark. This is where salicylic acid is extracted. The latter is also present in many plants:

  • Spinach,
  • almond,
  • the tomato,
  • cucumber,
  • the grape,
  • apricot,
  • the melon.

Salicylic acid therefore has natural properties that allow it to fight acne breakouts and blemishes.

Salicylic acid:what properties?

We particularly appreciate salicylic acid for its exfoliating action . Indeed, it has the power to eliminate dead cells from the stratum corneum of the skin. More importantly, it promotes cell renewal. On oily and combination skin in particular, the antiseptic and exfoliating properties of salicylic acid allow natural exfoliation.

Salicylic acid is also known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Previously, it was used to treat certain pains. Other people used it to cure fever. Today, aspirin and paracetamol have replaced it. However, this active ingredient remains very popular in cosmetic preparations to protect your skin.

Salicylic acid, a very powerful active ingredient

Salicylic acid is frequently used to treat acne and irritation . And for good reason, it has astringent properties. More clearly, this active ingredient is able to tighten and dry out the tissues. It facilitates healing, in addition to eliminating and peeling off dead cells accumulated on the surface of the skin.

Salicylic acid also stimulates skin renewal. Through this action, it allows the skin to regenerate. This regeneration is in turn at the origin of a skin totally devoid of acne. Indeed, cell renewal prevents the formation of comedones. It unclogs clogged pores that cause acne and also prevents the appearance of blackheads and microcysts.

Salicylic acid, very popular for skin care

For its many benefits and properties, salicylic acid has become an essential ingredient in the formulation of cosmetic products and medical treatments for the skin. It can be used as a preservative. In this case, salicylic acid is formulated at a maximum of 0.5%. Note that even at low doses, you can fully benefit from the benefits of salicylic acid.

It is also found in products intended to be rinsed off. In this case, it is formulated at 3% maximum. As for other products, such as creams or serums, this active ingredient is formulated at a maximum of 2%.

We advise you to alwaysfollow your doctor's instructions or instructions for using products that contain salicylic acid. Why ? Simply because like all cosmetic ingredients, its use can lead to adverse effects. In the event of a skin reaction, for example, do not hesitate to inform your doctor as soon as possible.

Salicylic acid, its use in acne treatment

Ideally, you should only use your salicylic acid treatment in the evening. Otherwise, you will need to apply sunscreen after application, since salicylic acid products are photosensitizing.

Alternatively, the treatment can be applied directly to acne areas . The duration of treatment varies from person to person. Nevertheless, the product can be applied until you notice an improvement in the condition of your skin. Without hesitation, an anti-acne treatment based on salicylic acid can be used every day (provided that its concentration varies from 0.5 to 2%).

A lighter peeling treatment based on salicylic acid can also be used twice a week to erase all the visible defects of your skin. Effective, the result will be visible after 4 weeks. This natural exfoliation allows you to overcome acne, blackheads and pimples on the face.

Other solutions to fight acne and blemishes

By adopting simple and practical daily measures , you can prevent the appearance of these pimples. During your anti-acne routine, for example, remember to cleanse your face morning and evening. Impeccable hygiene will get rid of impurities, excess sebum and makeup.

The use of suitable products

To do this, use suitable products such as soap-free dermatological gels or bars. Also clean the areas affected by acne without rubbing. Avoid antiseptic products, Marseille soap as well as alcoholic or degreasing products.

Skin hydration

It should also be remembered that acne-prone skin needs hydration. You can apply a moisturizing day cream that contains active ingredients such as zinc and AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) . Obviously, it will be necessary to favor moisturizers for oily and/or acne-prone skin. After sport, remember to shower directly. This way you will oxygenate your skin. You also prevent sweat from irritating acne lesions. By adopting a good diet, you will also be able to fight against skin problems. To do this, choose foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and zinc.

Regarding natural treatments, do not hesitate to use essential oils. Especially favor ylang-ylang, tea tree and lavender, which are known for their effective sebum-regulating and astringent properties against acne. The same goes for green clay. It has unparalleled absorbing and purifying properties. This is also the case with aloe vera, which soothes and heals acne-prone skin in no time. But nothing beats a treatment with salicylic acid, which will cure your skin problems effectively.