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Marseille soap to fight acne

For centuries, Marseille soap has been used for personal hygiene, teeth washing, laundry, floor cleaning and much more! But did you know that it is also a natural alternative to anti-acne products ?

If you suffer from this skin problem, you could therefore overcome it! We explain everything about the benefits of Marseille soap for the face and to say goodbye to pimples that result from excessive sebum production.

Marseille soap to fight acne

What are the benefits of real Marseille soap for the face?

Marseille soap to fight acne

Marseille soap is first known for its hypoallergenic properties . Composed of natural ingredients, mostly olive oil, it minimizes any risk of allergy.

But it also provides everything the face needs, both for dry skin that feels tight and for oily skin prone to acne. Indeed, it helps to clean the skin without attacking it , thus limiting the clogging of pores and the development of bacteria. It also has the advantage of regulating sebum production , to avoid its accumulation, responsible for acne pimples and blackheads. We even talk about a "dermatological soap" when we are dealing with a real Marseille soap.

Added to this are also the nourishing and moisturizing properties soap, offered by olive oil. However, do not hesitate to apply a moisturizer after cleansing the skin, so as not to dry it out. Although it seems paradoxical, since acne results from oily skin rich in sebum, this drying can indeed accentuate acne.

Marseille soap can even be used to wash your hair!

Which Marseille soap to choose against acne and pimples?

As with Aleppo soap or other regulated cosmetics in their composition and manufacturing process, Marseille soap must meet several criteria to be considered "genuine". And it is important to choose a quality Marseille soap for the face and acne, otherwise, you risk obtaining the opposite result to that expected. In the absence of the mention which certifies that it is a real Marseille soap, make sure that several essential criteria are respected:

  • a composition with at least 72% olive oil;
  • a list of ingredients limited to 6 components (usually water, glycerin, salt and natural soda);
  • the absence of animal fat and additives of all kinds;
  • production via cold saponification , guaranteeing the preservation of the properties of the soap.

Within the NUOO product range, you will only find Marseille soaps of this type. Some are embellished with coconut oil, facilitating the cleaning of the skin thanks to its foaming power.

How to wash your face with Marseille soap to treat acne?

Marseille soap to fight acne

Daily use of Marseille soap on the face against acne is recommended to obtain good results. Here's how to proceed for a deep cleaning , but non-aggressive:

  1. Wash your hands first, to avoid any proliferation of bacteria on your acne pimples.
  2. Lather a small portion of soap between your moistened hands.
  3. Gently massage each part of your face, using small circular movements.
  4. Rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of soap, then dry gently with a clean towel.
  5. If needed, apply a moisturizer or anti-acne treatment.
  6. You are now protected from external aggressions for the day, while having taken care of your skin by eliminating impurities and allowing it to regulate sebum production on its own!

If necessary, you can adopt this ritual twice a day, to eliminate all traces of pollution, sweat, etc. However, if you notice that no effect is visible after several weeks, or even that your pimples are proliferating, seek advice from dermatologists. Marseille soap can be a great acne solution for some people, but we are all different! Learn more with our article on the benefits of washing your face with Marseille soap!

Can Marseille soap replace a treatment for acne-prone skin?

Marseille soap to fight acne

If the benefits of Marseille soap are no longer to be proven, it is not a miracle product that will solve all your acne worries. Discover our article on the different uses of Marseille for more information. This is a complementary care , which makes it possible to obtain healthy skin capable of defending itself against the causes of acne. But here are some other tips to keep in mind for clear skin!

The virtues of a good diet

As with many other skin conditions and conditions, diet plays a role in the onset and persistence of acne. To maximize the benefits of Marseille soap against acne, it is therefore important to limit certain categories of food, in particular dairy products, sugars or fatty products such as cold cuts. On the other hand, vegetables and whole grains will be your best allies.

The importance of using non-aggressive products

In addition to Marseille soap, consider other gentle treatments to fight against acne. One thinks for example of clay masks white or pink (softer than green clay) or on application of hydrosols with lavender, tee trea, rosemary, etc. On the other hand, avoid repeated scrubbing. Admittedly, they eliminate dead skin, but they tend to dry out the skin when they are too aggressive or when they are not supplemented by a moisturizer, thus accentuating the production of sebum.

The usefulness of an anti-acne dermatological follow-up

If you have acne-prone skin, but moderately, balancing diet and regular care may be enough to limit the appearance of pimples. On the other hand, if the acne is persistent, it is advisable to contact a dermatologist to understand the causes and find suitable local treatments . This does not prevent you from adopting Marseille soap against acne, but it will not be the miracle solution!