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Acne and anti-wrinkles:can we treat both at the same time?

For dermatologists, it is essential to treat the "pathology" first:it is the most disabling of the problems and it causes an acceleration of skin aging. The good news ? Some anti-acne active ingredients also treat wrinkles. This is the case of vitamin A acid used against retentional acne and effective against superficial (but potentially irritating) wrinkles and fruit acids. These have an exfoliating and moisturizing action on the surface and, in depth, they stimulate the production of collagen and glycosaminoglycans (constituents of the extracellular matrix). You can alternate anti-acne treatment in the evening and anti-aging cream in the morning, provided it is non-comedogenic.

Vitamin A acid:the super anti-wrinkle. And not just for acne-prone skin…

The effectiveness of vitamin A acid (or retinoids) on wrinkles and skin quality is such that some people use it only as anti-aging… without even having a single pimple. Our recommendation:apply it in the evening in a very thin layer, first once a week, then twice to see how the skin tolerates it. Then, you can switch to every other day, avoiding the months of maximum sunshine (May to October). And always follow up with a good moisturizer. Namely:vitamin A acid in the right dosage is not available over the counter. You have to get it prescribed by your dermatologist.