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Focus on Brède Mafane and its anti-aging properties

You are interested in the composition of your face care ? You are quite right ! At Veld's, we try to work as much as possible with natural active ingredients . And yes, it is often in nature that we find the best anti-aging active ingredients, like Brède Mafane. This plant with a "botox like" effect is ideal for giving your skin a second youth. Discover the virtues of Brède Mafane!

What is Brède Mafane?

Brède Mafane is a plant native to Peru and Brazil. However, it is in the Islands, and in particular in Madagascar, that it is most cultivated. Its taste qualities , as well as its medicinal and cosmetic properties , quickly seduced the rest of the world. They are found in Africa, Asia, and India.

Depending on who you talk to, you may come across this plant under different names:Brède Mafane , Acmella Oleracea , Paracress , Hot Grass, Bredy Mafana

The uses of Brède Mafane are numerous:

  • In cooking, especially in the traditional recipe from Madagascar, Romazave. It is also very common in Asian and Indian cuisine
  • As a food-medicine, to relieve mouth ailments and certain skin lesions
  • In cosmetics, for its "botox-like" effect which is ideal in anti-aging skincare.

The Brède Mafane comes in the form of small yellow flowers, which grow all year round. To benefit from its benefits, we use both its leaves and its flowers, which have very concentrated active ingredients.

Brède Mafane:virtues and composition

The virtues of Brède Mafane are due to its exceptional composition:its leaves and flowers are very rich in isobutylamides of polyene and polyene acids, including Spilanthol. It is this last active ingredient that is of particular interest to us:it has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties .

On the medicinal aspect, Brède Mafane is used to relieve, or even treat, mouth ailments:mouth ulcers, gingivitis, abscess, pain related to cavities. It is then used as a gargle, or by simply chewing the leaves (be careful, it stings!). The juice of the crushed leaves of Brède Mafane would also have a soothing action on skin lesions .

In the world of cosmetics, Brède Mafane is very popular because its light and natural anesthetic effect offers a "botox-like" effect that rejuvenates the face , without freezing the lines.

The Brède Mafane in cosmetics

In recent years, Brède Mafane has gained popularity in the cosmetics world. And for good reason:the Brède Mafane extract, used in the composition of face creams or serums, offers ananti-aging effect second to none.

During a typical day, our face can undergo up to 10,000 micro-contractions. These micro-contractions are responsible for expression lines, including crow's feet, naso-labial folds, and frown lines.

The anesthetic effect provided by Spilanthol will limit these contractions:the skin is smoothed , it loses its "crumpled" appearance and you prevent the appearance of deeper wrinkles . Brède Mafane has the advantage of acting like a botox, while respecting the natural movements of the face, because its action remains light. Plus, it's all natural!

Finally, Brède Mafane is an active ingredient that is suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive. Its composition offers soothing virtues that can relieve irritated skin and reduce redness . At Veld's, we bet on Brède Mafane to formulate our anti-aging lifting and firming face cream, Age Killer . Upon application, the skin becomes sheathed and firmer, while remaining supple. The face is rejuvenated, wrinkles reduced, and the skin is naturally smooth. A very good daily cream for those who want to see immediate results!

Where to find Brèdes Mafanes?

Do you want to try homemade recipes around Brède Mafane? You can find Brèdes Mafanes in seeds to plant, on many specialized sites and in garden centres. Be careful, it is a plant that requires sun and heat!

Otherwise, you can find Brède Mafane leaves in sachets, to use for cooking, chewing, or as an infusion. You can find your happiness on some phytotherapy sites , and in specialty grocery stores .

Finally, you can find Brède Mafane directly in your cosmetics, especially at Veld's! If you want to try making your own cosmetics, some specialized sites offer Brède Mafane extract, to include in your skincare recipes .