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Clay and its forgotten virtues!

Known for centuries for its therapeutic virtues, clay is a completely natural product that is used in particular in external applications in the form of a mask, wrap or poultice.

There is a wide range of clay with different colors depending on the region from which it comes. The most used for care is by far green clay because it contains a large amount of minerals, including:iron, calcium, silica, copper, potassium, magnesium...

Montmorillonite clay, whose name comes from the village of Montmorillon in Vienne, is particularly rich in mineral salts and trace elements, which gives it exceptional absorption capacities. Montmorillonite green clay ready to use from Naturado is present in the organic box belleaunaturel de Mars to find it click here.

The benefits of clay for external use:

It absorbs toxins from the body

It is bactericidal and promotes healing

It has the ability to absorb gases.

How to use Montmorillonite clay paste?

1/ As a face beauty mask for a detoxifying and purifying action on the skin:

apply the ready-to-use clay to your face, carefully avoiding the eye area, leave the clay to act for 15 - 20 minutes, moistening the skin regularly. As soon as the clay is dry, rinse off with lukewarm water.

2/ As a bactericidal and healing compress on small pimples, light burns or sunburn.

3/ As a poultice to decongest the belly, or relieve inflammation or revitalize the liver.

In these last 2 cases, apply a layer of clay of 1 to 2 centimeters on the area to be treated. Then cover with a clean cotton cloth and secure it with a band or elastic. The duration of the poultice will depend on the problem to be treated, however you can repeat the operation several times during the day. As a general rule, remove the clay when it begins to dry.


Clay has no contraindication in external application, apart from allergy.