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5 recipes for healing with clay

Thanks to its many properties, clay can cure many daily ailments by helping to evacuate undesirable substances such as bacteria, germs, toxins... Our 5 recipes*.

Clean a sinusitis

Hello cold, hello humidity, hello sinusitis. What's going on ? Microbes come to colonize your sinuses and cause them to become inflamed and blocked. As a result, your excess secreted mucus no longer flows... The clay and its adsorbent effect* (different from simple absorption) will thus help to drain this excess mucus or even pus. For that, practice the nasal shower.

Put your nose at the level of a bowl filled with lukewarm clay water in a bain-marie, inhale the liquid through one nostril, blocking the other with your finger. Alternate the two sides. Once the clay water has passed, breathe normally then blow loudly through your nose (yes, sexy!), before starting "the shower" again about ten times. To be done every morning for 10 days. You can also add a pinch of coarse gray salt to the water to facilitate exchanges with the nasal mucous membranes.

* Its ability to bind to solids, gases (odors) or bacteria.

Knock out a hematoma

The hematoma - in everyday language the "bruise" - corresponds to an accumulation of blood in a tissue after a shock (or a night a little too restless). Cold clay poultices will help its resorption, especially if they are preceded by light massages with arnica ointment. The ideal:do at least 4 a day.

To fight against fatigue

If it is too persistent, you should of course consult a doctor. Meanwhile, the clay and the minerals it contains can help stimulate the body. It will also help absorb toxins. This time it is used internally. Every morning, before breakfast, we swallow a glass of clay water that we will have prepared the night before to let it rest overnight. The recipe is very simple:a glass of water with a teaspoon of clay (shake well before drinking!).

To remove a splinter

Ouch, the floor…! Before using tweezers and risking breaking the splinter in the skin, try a clay dressing that will, like a magnet, attract the splinter to the outside thanks to its adsorption property ( always her). For this, a hot clay poultice at least 1 centimeter thick is applied to the area. To renew as long as the splinter is there!

Against burns

1st and 2nd degree burns can be reduced with the clay which will lessen the sensation of fire and speed healing without leaving scars. Apply cold poultices 2 to 3 centimeters thick to suppress the sensation of heat and pain, several times a day.

To read:In shape thanks to clay, Cécile Baudet, Terre Vivante edition.