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Three clay-based beauty recipes

Clay face mask

One of the masks best known for its effectiveness is the clay mask for oily skin. We will use green clay which is perfect for this type of skin. This mask will purify your pores and remove impurities while having a disinfectant effect. To prepare this mask, mix a tablespoon of green clay and a few drops of oil (you can use essential oils or hazelnut oil). Mix in a container then add water until you obtain a smooth and creamy paste. Apply the mask on the face then as soon as you feel that it is starting to be dry, remove it with the help of a wet washcloth. Finish by applying a layer of moisturizer.

Hair clay mask

Clay can also be used for hair masks! For those with oily hair, here is a miracle recipe. Mix 4 tablespoons of green clay and an egg yolk in a bowl. You can also add a few drops of essential oil if you wish. Add water to make the mixture homogeneous. Apply the mask to your hair without forgetting the roots and ends. Let it sit for ten minutes then rinse. Shampoo as usual after the mask.

Green clay for the body

If you often have heavy legs, clay body masks are very effective. Prepare a mixture with two tablespoons of clay and water. Spread the mixture directly on your legs or on compresses. Leave for about 20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. This body mask will also purify and soften your skin!