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He orders jeans on Asos, and this is what he received

By placing an order with the Assos site, this customer had a funny surprise.

Nowadays, ordering clothes on the internet has become a common practice. If as a general rule, the product purchased corresponds rather well to its description, it does not prevent that sometimes there may be exceptions.

A size problem

This is precisely what happened to George Riggall , an Englishman living in Leicester , who had the idea of ​​ordering new jeans on the Asos online sales site . But upon receiving his order, the man was shocked.

Because indeed, the jeans in question were visibly twice as long as the expected size. Instead of being 80 cm , this one was no less than 1m 10 . "I tried it to show how ridiculous it is" , explained George Riggall to the BuzzFeed site.

Rather amused by this mistake, the 20-year-old took a picture of himself with the pants on before posting the photo on Twitter . This one didn't take long to be shared over 60,000 times . He then reported his problem to the Asos site, which immediately offered him a refund.